Weber badge - ID me?



I’ve been making a concerted effort to thin the herd of gassers over the last week or so by breaking down useful parts and scrapping others. In the process, I came across a pair of grills with this badge. One is on the shown 2 burner and the other was removed from a 3 burner. Both grills would fall into the Silver A / B family and neither has a legible serial number. Unlike the typical 2 pin push nut style, this badge is held on by a single speed nut with a small locating pin that would go through a 2nd smaller hole in the lid. I can’t believe I haven’t come across this before. 2 Attaboys to the first one to respond with a correct part number!IMG_3198.jpeg


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I'm not even going to try to come up with a part # for that. I've seen that before either. Don't tell me you can buy a replacement badge for it, that would really be a mind bender.
I'm not even going to try to come up with a part # for that. I've seen that before either. Don't tell me you can buy a replacement badge for it, that would really be a mind bender.
I really don’t expect to be able to buy them new, but I like to catalog a part number for things onto Ziploc bags with a sharpie before I chuck them into a parts bin.
And don’t worry, @Steve Hoch. I’m sure @DanHoo will be along soon enough to rattle off the obscure part number from the top of his head. Dude is amazing with stuff like this. He probably just had to run to Kmart to pick up some underwear and hasn’t seen the thread yet.
And don’t worry, @Steve Hoch. I’m sure @DanHoo will be along soon enough to rattle off the obscure part number from the top of his head. Dude is amazing with stuff like this. He probably just had to run to Kmart to pick up some underwear and hasn’t seen the thread yet.
I'm happy to let Dan do the research on this one. I'm guessing he's never seen a badge like that either.
I’m feeling a little better with each post on this one. If guys like Steve, Larry, and Tim don’t know then I consider myself in good company.
I've only seen the badges with two posts, and two nuts.

The part number is the same across a number of grills: "51406"

Thank you, “Marion” the librarian (spelled like John Wayne’s given name, BTW!) 😉

this one is interesting. searching for "logo and fastener" vs "logo and fasteners" found this:

only one nut in the picture, but the same "51406" part number.

View attachment 72634

Looks like a winner. Attaboy! Attaboy! Amazing again. I gotta get this guy on speed dial….

