Webapp functional...


j ostheim

TVWBB Member
I got my webapp for storing, uploading and doing live cooks up. Here is a live "cook" for my homebrew ATC:

http://www.bbqbuds.com/jostheim/cooks/1 http://www.bbqbuds.com/jostheim/cooks/1

This is really just monitoring the temperature in my office, but shows the point.

Homepage for my ATC:

http://www.bbqbuds.com/jostheim/bbq_controllers/1 http://www.bbqbuds.com/jostheim/bbq_controllers/1


Homepage for my cooker (no photos yet):

http://www.bbqbuds.com/jostheim/cookers/1 http://www.bbqbuds.com/jostheim/cookers/1

I decided to add all the tagging, blogging, photo albums, etc, b/c well, why not?

Signups are open, so please try it out, report bugs to me james.ostheimer at gmail.com


I checked my StokerLog data file. Looks like I have recorded all the data from every contest I competed in last year concatenated into 1 file. Will this be a problem? There must be at least 8 (12) hour sessions.

Hey Rob-

I might have to play with database indexes at somepoint to keep things fast (or just use amazon simple db), but for now it should be fine. Give it a shot, if it fails or runs out of memory then I'll take a look. Alternatively you can send me the file james.ostheimer at gmail.com, and I can see how it does.

BTW rob, I can add a setting for saving every N datapoints if we have issue, or I can simply only save a datapoint per minute, or 5 minutes.

So I think I can handle it somehow
Hmmm, I was able to create a cook as your user (I only use admin privileges in these cases). Did it give a 500 error ("there is something wrong with this app")?

why don't you send me the file and I can at least make sure I can upload it. the sample Amir sent me was small, but it worked.
Here's the use case of what I'm doing to try and create a new cook:

1)I go to: http://www.bbqbuds.com/rmongeon/cooks and I'm logged in.
2)I select "New Cook"
3)I enter the following in the New Cook Fields:
Name = Test
BBQ Cntrlr = my homebrew
Cooker = WSM
date = 2009 May 23
City = Rochester
State = NY
Zip = 05446

4) I click CREATE and GET a page saying:

"We're sorry, but something went wrong.

We've been notified about this issue and we'll take a look at it shortly."

I'm running the following:
WinXP Pro w/ all service packs installed
FireFox 3.5.8 w/ ad blockers on
I have a hosts file that redirects most ad sites to local host.

Perhaps the reason why this works for you and not for me is that you have admin rights tied to your user account. You might try clearing your cookies for your site, creating a test user account and see if you can replicate the problem. Has any other user tried to enter a new cook?

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">05446 </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Fixed, it was a problem identying Rochester, so I can give you current weather conditions.
I'm able to add a new cook but when I try to upload my data file I get:

This cook is not using a Stoker controller, please assign a Stoker to this cook.

In the BBQ Controller combo box it only lists "homebrew". If I click on Add a BBQ Controller and fill in the following fields like so:

Name = StokerTest
IP =
Type = Stoker
and hit Create the IP address field is highlighted in Red and there is no error message.

To everyone... bugs on stoker upload have been worked out, I just did a simulated run, took the file and uploaded it with no issues.

I also made it easier to upload, now you can do it directly while making a new cook (create a new cook directly from your stoker file).
So I updated my webapp to read stoker data from the stoker directly (from the html status page). All it needs is an externally viewable stoker url, and it will suck down cook data over the interwebs and show it to you (and others) live.

I am looking for some folks with a stoker to help me test out this feature (I have it working using a test stoker html page). So if you have an stoker that is accessible to the web and want to help me test this, lemme know... and thanks in advance.

James, I'm going to be gone today, saturday, but can fire up my Stoker Sunday to test this out. I've already got the ports open, ect, so external access isn't an issue.

For a through test you may want to take up MarkMi's offer. Looks like his set up has you talking directly to the Stoker.

Testing on my site was through an API. Could be some subtle differences.

Okay taking @ctimmer's advice, @MarkMi if you want to turn yours on tomorrow I'll make sure it works with yours too.

All I'd need is the external address to your stoker, you can send that to me at james.ostheimer at gmail.com (or direct message if this site has that).


Awesome, I look forward to finding out how it does. If you have any issues, just Private Message me on the BBQBuds site... or email me at
james.ostheimer at gmail.com.


