Water Pan

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Ted Booth

New member
I just bought my bullet this evening and have it loaded with charcoal. I'm planning on firing it up in an hour or two with a whole pork shoulder. Question....using the minion method,and assuming I get it regulated at 225-250 degrees fairly soon, how long can I figure the water will last? I'm assuming I'll have to get up in the middle of the night to add wood chunks and water, but I'd like to get a relatively good idea of when to set my alarm.
Ted, I use a brinkmann pan. If you click on the cooking tab at the top of the page and go to the "Pork Butt Renown Mr. Brown", on Chris' cooking log he filled his pan every two hours. Hope this helps.

Thanks, Bob. I was figuring 2-3 hours but was hoping for more. I've had a Mr. Meat Smoker for years and found that three hours was about right for it. The MMS has no closeable vents though and can't be regulated. It's all or nothing with it.
If You are not using the bottom grate, you don't have to worry so much about the pan if you are going with the 225 range. Using the MM start backing off your bottom vents before you reach your desired temp. It will get to the temp that you want. Will save you time in stabilizing your temp. Easier to go up in the beginning then trying to bring it back down. It will stabilize better.
After your temp is stable, go to bed. If your temp is low and stable, the water pan will not empty in a couple of hours. Check it when you wake up.
That sounds like a plan. After an hour the temp has slowly risen to 225 with the lower vents at about 1/3 and the top at full open. I'm on my first glass of wine and beginning to get sleepy now. Waiting another two hours before a water refill doesn't sound as good as it did two hours ago. I think I might just try topping it off in another hour if the temp stays regulated and then getting up about 5:00 am.
If your temp is stable, Don't you dare lift that lid to check the pan. Go to bed! PS. After about 2 hours it might try to go up on you.(temp) If it is stable,(the wind not wreaking havoc) Go to bed for awhile. That is why we buy the Bullet. So we don't have to cluck over it like a mother hen.
Thanks for the water advise. The temp had stablized to about 235 by midnight once I cranked the vents down to hardly more than a sliver. I got up at 5:00am to find that there was water left and the temp was down to 205. So I stirred up the coals (part of which hadn't lit, on one side). At 7:00am to 9:30 it held a steady 225. Temp was starting to drop so it was time to add charcoal.
I still had some lit coals as a base so I cut a piece of aluminum sheeting I've had around for over ten years and it made a great chute to slide the new coals to wherever in the pan I wanted them. Just pointed it in the right direction and they ended up right where they needed to be.
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