Water pan & Overnight Smoking


Jeff S

I am going to start my butts tonight on the WSM. I am going to use the minion method to start the coals and monitor for about an hour before turning in for the night. Yes, I will be having adult beverages tonight as well, so I probably will not be getting up in the middle of the night to check the water. If I get this on at 10:00 PM, do you think I will be good until 6-7 AM the next morning if I start out with a full pan of water? I am using rancher for the first time, so from what I am reading about it, my temp should hold until the morning. Your thoughts?
Forget the water all together, get the ceramic dish (~ 14", 36 cm., got mine at HD for ~$6). I have had excellent results and little worry or mess to clean up. MM method for sure, good luck with the Rancher, please report back. I’ve got several bags but have not done a long cook. My experience has been that it does not fire as hot as K for direct grilling, but held a nice temp for more prolonged indirect.

The only modification I have made to my WSM is the dish….very difficult…open WSM….put on foil wrapped ceramic dish…. close WSM…..no more worries about water running low…priceless!
Don: Thanks for the info. I just don't see how that keeps the heat level... I guess I am just chicken...but everyone says it works! Guess I could try it. I really want to sleep tonight!
Basically, like the water, it is thermal mass that helps maintain more constant temps – a temperature shock absorber so to speak.
Don, thank you for your help. I went to HD and that saucer is already foiled and ready to go! Getting ready to make my rub now!
For overnight smokes, I have not had any problems with water making it thru the night. I might cook a 10lbs+ brisket or 14lbs+ of butts and always forget to let the meat set out and get to about room temp. I take my 12 cup coffee pot and fill it twice with hot water from the tap. If I start the meat around 11:00-12:00, it doesn't have any problems making until around 7:00 am. But.....if you throw a few adult beverages back the night before, getting up (from experience) is not an easy task. If when you get up and the temp is higher than you desire, it is alot easier getting to come down by letting the coals burn down.
Just from my experience.....of course if the weather is an issue during the night, the above game changes.

