Was this a good buy?



TVWBB Super Fan
Hello weber heads, I'm way behind on picture posts but it was a too quick summer!
I found a 1984 22" Chocolate on CL yesterday and picked it up last night for $35.00 porcelian is in perfect shape, wooden handles are whiped, ash blades rusted apart and there was no ash catcher pan. Does not look like it was used much almost no grease build up. Bottom leg rack is a bit rusted.
Since I last updated "It's all your Fault" I found a like new 22" green MT (even the wooden handles were perfect) for 20 bucks, moma bought me the lime green smokey joe, and a co-op at work gave me his Jumbo Joe when he went back to school. My Weber Nation is now up to 14! When does this stop?
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Greg, the master touch was a nice find, sweet old couple selling their home and moving south. It was garage stored and used very little. Baskets were not even dis colored I don't think he used them. They were going house shopping the day I wanted to pick it up and said "just leave the money in a envelope in our mail box, I don't think your guna beat me out of 20 bucks".
The chocolate was so little used the one touch blades rusted away from no grease. It needs 3 handles, new one touch, and ash pan so it will cost 100 bucks to bring it back to life.
no sir, that's a couple great deals.

would love that chocolate. i've all but given up on a lime green at this point. like finding bigfoot riding a purple unicorn.

Thanks Greg, Tony I have to get them all lined up for a photo shoot!
I ordered 3 new handles from Brian, and the ash pan and one touch sweepers from tvwbb Amazon for the chocolate. I'll tear it down and get it ready for it's rebirth.

