warranty question


Denny B.

New member
Hi All.

Yesterday I picked up a 2005 Performer off CL. It is the Crate and Barrel lime green model. I was abused pretty bad. I need to order a new burner, new lid damper, new lid roller, and maybe a new ash sweep. The lid has rust around the handle, and the bowl has chips of paint out of it. Will Weber replace the lid and bowl under warranty if I am a second owner? Or do I just enjoy it the way it is.

The way I've read their warranty is that it covers rust through, not just rust. I was looking at that for a kettle I bought new a while back. But someone else here might have first hand experience with a rust warranty claim.
I got my 2nd hand performer lid and bowl cover by the weber warranty for rust. You'll likely get a black replacement since they don't make the C&B green anymore.
The Weber CS rep I spoke to was rather blunt and said that the warranty only applies to the original owner. I don't see that in their written warranty anywhere though.
I was abused pretty bad.

Sorry to hear, I hope things are better now for you :p.

The Weber CS rep I spoke to was rather blunt and said that the warranty only applies to the original owner. I don't see that in their written warranty anywhere though.

As for warranty - no offence but most products I've encountered are usually to the original owner ONLY and IMHO, it makes sense. Or else where would companies draw the line? They'd have guys buying $5.00 kettles that have been through 10 owners and wanting all new parts. Companies would not last long in business if they were too charitable and honestly, Weber IMHO already goes above and beyond for their customers in many cases.
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The Weber CS rep I spoke to was rather blunt and said that the warranty only applies to the original owner. I don't see that in their written warranty anywhere though.

The Warranty applies to whomever first registers the grill. In my case the previous owner never did and I registered it the day I picked it up. You can register the grills right on line. Performers have unique Serial numbers printed on the back panel so their registration systems know if its been registered before or not.

This forum posts basically says the same thing: http://tvwbb.com/showthread.php?32402-Weber-Summit-S-670-warranty-question
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I got all but one of my Webers second hand, including my Performer. Just registered them and automatically got the warranty. My Performer had a cracked table top when I got it and Weber replaced it free.
I called weber today and told them I bought the grill 2nd hand. The rep I talked to was very blunt and said I would have to buy the replacement bowl and lid. Then he proceeded to register my grill. I realty wasn't expecting a full replacement, so I will stick with my original plan and just restore it and start cooking. I hit the lid with oven cleaner and it turned out better than I thought it would. Thanks for your replies..
Even buying the bowl and lid you are doing good. Total for mine when I rebuilt a classic SS Performer was around $125 shipped. That and the $50 I paid for the used and abused Performer was under $200. You cant get a new one for that.
I got all but one of my Webers second hand, including my Performer. Just registered them and automatically got the warranty. My Performer had a cracked table top when I got it and Weber replaced it free.


Edit - nevermind as it's my opinion and rather harsh.
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