Warning********If posting Heatermeter cooks and your URL-Change You Password at setup


John Bostwick

TVWBB Wizard
We all like to post are HM cooks and or have clicked on other HM cook. But, before you post your HM URL to the world, please make sure to change the password at set-up. The very first thing I like to do when I click on a HM Cook, is to check their password and so I'll type in "root" as the password. I never expect that would still be the Password, but I still check, just in case

It should be the very very first thing that is changed at setup, Always.

A person can do major harm with access to the HM, to include burning down a house by having someone changing the pit temp to an extreme temp, UDS's are prone to this and I know from first hand, although non HM related and it only burn a hole in the deck and was caught soon enough to limit damage.

Also, if using an email account, your password is easy pickens and who knows what else a person could do inside your network

So, just Remember Change Your Password, Please

