Want to help me guess my results...?

Smoked up 2 picnics last night (though one was labled a butt)using the minion method using Rancher briquettes (first time not using K).

On at 9 pm.

I have to say, I found the Rancher to be more sensitive to vent adjustments.

Long story short, I got over confident, and did one last vent setting to bring up the temps (it was falling too low due to previous adjustment)before I went to sleep and woke up at 4 am with a temp reading of 290 at the lid with a NuTemp probe.

Adjusted it down to 250, fell back to sleep.

Woke up at 8:20 with a reading of 257 at the lid.

Went down, took internal temps and found 210 readings in both picnics.

Immediatley splashed them with apple juices, wrapped them in double foil, towel, and into a cooler.

Also, for the first time, I didn't skin the picnics.

Meanwhile, the party is about 4 pm.

So, should I just keep them wrapped in the cooler until I pull at 4 pm ?

I actually like a slightly higher temp (say 260), but will an extended period of time (?), effect my results ?

Comments please ?
It should't. Of course you don't know if the temps were higher before you discovered the 290 lid temp (at which, btw, I frequently cook butts). If the outsides of the picnics weren't burned your temps never got high enough to cause concern. The germane issue is whether the meats cooked too long past 'done', which might be indicated by the 210 temp--though not necessarily. You'll know when you pull the meat. If they are overdone it is not the 'fault' of the cook temp. It's that they cooked quicker and ended up cooking too long, overshooting 'done'.
I got home earlier than planned--so a rush to get some things done, the big deal being smoking some belly for bacon. Didn't see your question (but I'm surprised no one else did either).

What did you end up doing and how was your dinner?

Long story short, everyone at the party loved the pork, even fighting over the leftovers, but it was not my best.

I kept them foiled until the party, and they were still pretty hot. I think leaving the skin/fat on them helped keep them moist through the "overcooking" (FYI, I overcooked my fake pastrami to over 190)

Hope this is allowed here: Here is a post I made on a fishing site's cooking section, showing pics of the smoke, without any explanations.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">...everyone at the party loved the pork, even fighting over the leftovers,... </div></BLOCKQUOTE>These are the operative phrases(!)--so, good job! (And they sure looked good.)

