Wal-Mart Charcoal

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I bought one bag and did not really care for it. I had to open the vents about 50% more than normal to keep the temp. in range. Even though the Kingston cost a little more I feel it is worth the extra cost.
Dave, I've tried Wal-Mart charcoal with mixed results. For shorter smokes like ribs, it seems okay at best. Works okay for grilling too, but just okay. I had to fire up a chimney-full about 8-hours into a brisket smoke during late summer to keep the temps up. Wasn't happy... Kingsford just seems to burn longer and better. How much do you save when you have to double the amount of coals you use?

Of course, your mileage may vary...

Peace. Out.

I got a deal on a bunch of bags of this last year and I loved the concept of of the larger briquettes burn longer I also felt I was using more charcoal and not realizing any savings.
I got two bags of it, a nice but and a brisket. /infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif

I got spoiled by Kingsford and 12hrs (+) with leftover charcoal.

I suppose I will find out how it holds up.
I found that the Wally's charcoal burn cooler but left a mass amount of ash. I don't think I realized any saving in the final cost because I had to use more to get the same results. I think it is a case more filler than charcoal.
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