Waiting is the worst.


Patti Leigh

New member
Second smoke is going great. It's a really windy day here, but my WSM is pegged at 250*. I just took the turkey breast off, and it's resting. I seasoned it with a little Montreal Poultry Grill Seasoning.

The ribs are still in the smoker, and we are all hungry. It's not even 6:00 here. I made my own sauce too. I have a few pics, but I can't figure out how to post them. I'll get it eventually.

Gotta go stir the sauce.
Show us those pics. Upload to a free service like photobucket. Get the image code and copy and paste here. Or use the tool above when you are posting 3rd button from the end.

Congrats and enjoy!
Sounds like a great supper! Go to ImageShack.com then go to the image resize drop down window and choose 800x600 then click on the browse button, look for the folder you saved your pics in and then highlight the ones you want, click open then click the blue upload now button.

