Wagyu Brisket Cook



TVWBB Diamond Member
Took the plunge and picked-up a 10 lb Wagyu brisket for tomorrow. Still on the fence re: high heat or low and slow, right now I'm leaning towards low and slow. I'll be using using coffee cardamom rub and smoking her over red wine barrel staves. Looking forward to this cook, yet hoping I don't screw it up.

I'll be sure to take some pictures and let you know whether or not I thought it was worth the extra $.
After a couple conversations (Thanks JD and Kevin K.) I decided to go low and slow, really low, 210. Made a last minute change to pecan for my smoke wood. Got her on at 10:00 a.m. for dinner at 7:00 p.m.. More photos can be found HERE, I'm also twitter the cook under stoker_ace if you're into that.

6 Hours in

EDIT: This brisket seems to be flying, 2 hours in at 208 grate and and I'm at 130. Leaning towards not foiling . . .

EDIT 2: Five hours in and it appears Wagyu plateaus a little earlier than other cuts, only moved 5 degrees in the last couple of hours. Going to throw a fatty on and I think I'll kick her up to 225. Dinner's in 3 hours, grrrr . . .
From experience, if it is a proper wagyu with good marbling, go low and slow (which you are doing) and don't foil.
Glad you opted for low 'n slow. I've always heard that high heat is for the leaner briskets... looks great.
Bill, it's a Komodo Kamado, here's a PICTURE of her on this brisket cook.

Cook is over and the verdict is in. No question Wagyu brisket is in a class all it's own (in my opinion), however, do I think it was worth the extra money, I'm on the fence about that. I've done some really good CAB packers that may not have been "as good" but they were also $1.99 a lb vs. $4.99 a lb.

6 hours into my cook I put a fatty on and bumped the temp up to 225 to move the cook along. When I removed my fatty at 7.5 hours into the cook I was still in the high 150s so I foiled her to move here along even more. She finally finished at about 9.5 hours. This blew me away, I was expecting a much faster cook.

Very moist, you can see it from the pictures, actually looks like the slices have been brushed with sauce, nope it's just that moist. Great beefy flavor, cut with a fork, very nice.

Pictures in the slideshow above are updated.

Off to nurse my hangover
Man, Larry that thing looks killer! I love this wagyu meme, one of these days I'm going to have to do one myself. But until then, I get to live vicariously through everyone's pics.

thanks for posting this.

