Don Reed
Today was my 3rd cook on the 22.5 WSM, I did a 6# brisket flat but thats not why I'm posting this. I made a reducer basket that fits inside the charcoal ring for smaller cooks.The basket is 12x12 by almost 6" and will hold 10lb's of Kford charcoal,fired it up this morning and started cooking at 5:00 A.M. it held at about 245 the whole cook and it was still at 227 at 5:00 P.M. before I broke it down to empty it,almost all the charcoal had burnt by then but still could have gone a little longer if I had left it burn. My Chargriller would never have done that, not to mention I only tweeked the vents 2 times during that whole cook and sat inside with the ac the whole time. I think I'm really going to like this smoker. I also used sand in the water pan this time instead of water.