Vent Damper Scratching Lid on New Jumbo Joe


Josh G

I bought the new Jumbo Joe and went to assemble it and the damper on the lid when turned began to gouge the finish and has torn into it leaving a ring. I got a new and it had a large dent in the lid. My third one has now done the same as the first. I am just wondering if this is normal and after cooking will fill in with grease etc. and protect it or will this rust?

To me if I see raw metal it will eventually rust.

I have bought my previous grills off craigslist so this is my first new one.

Any advice or answers would be greatly appreciated.
So far I am 0 for 3 on the Jumbos and just wanted to know if this issue of the damper scratching the finish has happened to anyone else.
That should not be happening. Keep on customer service until you get one that is right.
Also, if you have a digital camera take pictures and email them. I have found this goes a long way and really helps.
Thank you, I did not think this was right. When I turn it, i can can feel it cutting into the metal. I will try again!

Really appreciate the help.
they got a problem and need to be aware of it. and no, you do not need to tolerate this. keep going till you get a good one.
I agree. I bought one for my Son in college and it was a nut & bolt compared to a rivet on the top vent. Check the tolerance and just loosen it up a tad.

Edit: I forgot to say I added a Fiber washer between the lid and top vent on mine for that same reason.
Was yours riveted on by Weber or did it come with a nut & bolt like mine?

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The new ones have a nut and bolt. I bought a fourth one and flattened out the vent a little with a hammer and added a washer in between the vent and the lid. Problem now solved. All four I bought had this issue, so it seems like they got an issue with this. My riveted vents are totally smooth with no problems.
went to my local orchard supply today. they had one on display that i could reach. i started to move the vent back and forth. seemed smooth at first and then it started to tighten up and yes, it started to scratch a bit so i stopped. if any one gets one they shoulde take the vent off, smooth out any rough parts and then reinstall but not to tight. that should fix it.
went to my local orchard supply today. they had one on display that i could reach. i started to move the vent back and forth. seemed smooth at first and then it started to tighten up and yes, it started to scratch a bit so i stopped. if any one gets one they shoulde take the vent off, smooth out any rough parts and then reinstall but not to tight. that should fix it.

Thanks for the info, George. I saw one today at Lowes but had forgot about this thread. Now I know what to watch out for if I get one.

