Varmit Trouble !!

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OK, I think I may have a problem.

I have a 7 lb. pork butt loaded up on the WSM right now, set to go all night. I was just outside and heard rustling in the bushes nearby, shined the flashlight and saw a big racoon about 10 away from the WSM.

Should I be worried about this critter tipping over the WSM during the night ?? I know that racoons have been known to knock over garbage cans, etc... The WSM doesn't usually get too hot to the touch either, so it might be tempting.

Does anyone have any advice or experiences here that they can share ?? Thanks for your help.
Either get a live catch trap and then relocate the racoon...or shoot it. That 'ol coon might end up being your next meat in the WSM!! lol't want to waste anything. I wonder if Raccoon sausage is any good? I never have tried Raccoon, but (seriously), I have heard that it is very good if prepared properly.
Everything went just fine. I left the patio light on, and just went to sleep with one ear open listening for a large crashing sound.
The racoon never showed his face again that I know of. I only checked on the WSM once at 4am and it was still smokin' along at 270, with no sign of tampering.

Maybe next time I can built some sort of ramp using the charcoal door, so that the critter can just climb up onto the lower cooking rack and take a nap while he bastes.... /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

I've never been disapointed with anything I've cooked on the WSM and I'm sure racoon would be no exception.

I had the same question until my brother's family brought their little dog over while I was cooking. You could see that she was intrigued by the smell coming from the cooker, and she sniffed around, creeping closer and closer. Just when her nose was about an inch from the bottom vents, she felt the intense heat and immediately ran away.

I think burnt nostrils will teach any animal a valuable lesson. Then my only concern would be a big animal like a deer accidentally running it over, but leaving the lights on should help.

Anyone had a problem with wild neighbors sneaking food out of the cooker late at night? The only place I can safely cook overnight is in my driveway, in plain view of the hungry passers-by.

True, same goes for turkey fryers. You need to be super careful and keep family pets & kids away from that hot grease. I can just picture a big dog suddenly seeing the cat and chasing it right past the deep fryer...knocking it over etc.
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