Value-add and the Local Butcher...

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Alan Bosch

The last several time I've wanted to fire up my WSM, I've run into a problem getting decent meat from the local outlets of many of the national big-box grocery stores. Even my locally-owned supermarket - which is known for it's selections - has been a called strike three when it comes to meat for BBQ.

Couple this with some of the discussions on this board about 'enhanced' meat - some could argue that SPAM is 'enhanced' - and I haven't been doin' too much 'Que'n lately.

Then I stumbled upon a local butcher shop. It's nirvana to be sure!! When I walked thru the door, the owner had a pig on the hook carving it up fresh. The brisket I walked out the door with was fresh, not cry-o-vac'd. He trimmed it up nice and neat at no extra charge. And his price was below - half, in fact - what I was quoted at the local supermarket meat counter. We talked about smoking and BBQ (he owns a New Braunfels (sp?)) while he expertly trimmed up some ribs in no time flat before my eyes.

The point is this: If you have the luxury of a local butcher, pay them a visit. These are, in my opinion, the guys that are going to keep our hobby alive with fresh, flavorful, and un-mucked-with meats that the multi-nationals seem to think everyone wants. Their prices may not be as much as you think, and their selection is much better that the big-box stores.

BTW, the brisket I bought - my first - turned out to be some of the best BBQ I've made to date. And my WSM made it all possible.

Peace. Out.


"Vegetables aren't food! Vegetables are what food eats!!"
Ryan and I get our brisket from the owner of a small local packing plant. They specialize in primes for foreign export. We have been telling him what we are doing with his briskets and he has been personally picking out and triming them for us. Unbelivable good meat!

Have been giving him tickets to Duck football games and having him come to our tailgaters. Got to take care of the meatman.
I will vouch for the quality of the meat Dennis is talking about, he gave me a couple of briskets to cook and they were outstanding.
Everybody needs a butcher like the one the Duck has found.
Your suppliers can help make your Q better.
Hey Alan,

Would you mind sharing the name of the butcher shop you found with me. I have the same problem trying to find BBQ meats, I had to go to 4 grocery stores to find a pork butt this weekend. And it's not very reassuring when the guy behind the counter at Wegmans tries to give you a pork loin, not knowing what a pork butt is. Or they try giving you a flank steak instead of a brisket, both have happened to me. Anyway thanks for the info.

The place is called Long Pond Meats - located next to the Wilson Farms store at the corner of Chili Ave. and Chestnut Ridge Road, in Chili. The guy's good! And so are his prices.

For instance... Wegman's had cry-o-vac'd brisket for $3.89/lb. Long Pond had fresh brisket for something like $2.29/lb - maybe less (I did the brisket on 8/30, so the exact price is escaping me).

Don't know where you're getting meat from, but Super Wal-Mart, Sam's, Wegman's, and Tops have not had any butts in a long time.

BTW, cut an oak tree out of my yard this past spring. If you want some chunks, let me know. May have a handle on some apple, cherry, and pear too. I'll know more this weekend.

Peace. Out.

Thanks Alan,

I know just where that is, never stopped by there before though, I'll make sure to next time. The last pork butt I did, I picked up at the Big M in Gates, only place I could find it, wasn't bad either at $0.99/lb. Thanks for the offer on the oak chunks, but I'm still doing pretty good with what I have, also have hickory, apple and a little bit of maple. But if you find a source for cherry and apple, I'd be interested. I tried getting cherry wood from Whittier Farms last fall, but was told they didn't have any. Well, thanks again.

I'm with you all the way on this one. I've made a batch of sausage and done
two BBQs in the past month. Went a local butcher for all of these and was not
disappointed. I see many advantages:
-much nicer cuts of meat than in the large stores for about the same price
-they'll trim the meat for you if required
-no brineing
-you are supporting a local family business

The last batch of back ribs I made were great. The racks were VERY meaty to
begin with. After about six and a half hours in the WSM with BRITU rub and some
apple juice, its was magic! The grunts and "Ummmm"s from our friends said it all. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

The local butcher is the way to go!
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