Using a lot of charcoal!!

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Bruce Bissonnette

I started a pork butt this morning at 3am. It was 31* outside. I used the Minion method and filled the chamber then lit a full chimney and waited for them to get ashed over and hot. I poured them over the unlit chamber. The WSM immediately went to 260* at lid and 230* at top grate. I closed all three bottom vents to stabilize the temp and it held between 237* and 225* for 6 hours then it started falling. It fell to 204* despite my efforts at opening vents. I first attempted to stir up the charcoal and when that did not bring up the temps I added another 1/2 chimney. At 10am with the temp at 202* and all 3 bottom vents open I added another 1/2 chimney. The temp at the top grate rose to 231* Sorry it took so long, I just wanted to explain the whole situation. My question, why am I having to use so much charcoal and not getting a long burn like so many others get when using the Minion method? OR, is it just like this sometimes? THANKS for the help!!

First, I would have used much less than a full chimney of lit coals on top, more like 15-20 coals. Second, I would not have closed all the vents. Third, what kind of charcoal did you use?

It sounds like you got started too hot, then snuffed the fire, then tried to revive it with lit coals. You would have had a more even, lengthy burn by starting slowly, getting up to temp and holding it there.

I'm no pro, but when I do the minion method, I fill the whole ring full of charcoal, and I only put 10-12 briquettes in the chimney and light them up nice and grey. Then I sprinkle those hot coals over the full ring of unlit coals. It gradually works its way down, and I usually get a good 16-20 hours of smoking without adding any coals. I think your mistake is filling the whole chimney and pouring it all on top.

And when I can't get the temp up even after stirring the coals, I usually take the side door off for a few, and the high amount of oxygen hitting the coals generally tends to heat them up pretty quick.
Steve and Russ,

My own thinking is that I started to hot. In reading the Minion method on the site it says for a freezing day use a full I did. When I tried to put that full chimney on I said to myself that's a lot of hot coals. /infopop/emoticons/icon_eek.gif Well the good news I have been humming along at a very nice 229* to 239* for the last 4 hours. Just getting ready to turn and baste and check meat temp.

Thanks guys!!!!!
Well I have hit that infamous temperature plateau that you have all talked about. I was at 161* at 1pm and I'm at 168* at 2:35pm. I still have 2 1/2 hours left on "my" planned cook time. Not the "butts" planned cook time.
I have found that once through a long cook that I have to gently stir the coal bed to get good airflow through the coals. I have a 1/4" stainless steel rod that I slowly insert through the outside vents and through the holes in the charcoal ring. I slide the rod in to the end and then back out. I do this twice for each vent. Once I started doing this I have no trouble keeping the cooker steady.

As for cooking in the cold, I spread a layer of unlit coals in the charcoal ring, then layer a chimney full of hot coals, then finish up with another layer of unlit coals. The smoker ramps to 250 and stays there for 12 hours or so with just one jab with the stainless steel rod.
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