unlit charcol

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Mark M

New member
I am strongly considering selling my Brinkmann off-set smoker and purchasing a WSM. The main reason for switching would be portability and better temp control. On another BBQ discussion board a user described cooking times of over 15 hrs without addding any additional fuel. This sounds great to me.

I am assuming the above is using some sort of combination of charcol and wood chips. I have heard so much about how bad unlit (like Kingsford) charcol is for you and how you can taste it; Is this issue overblown?

I realize you probably can use lump, but do not like the idea of the hot temps and frequent additions of charcol.

Any thoughts would be apreciated.

Using what's come to be known as the Minion Method, you can fire up your WSM for extended periods. Details can be found here . The idea that unlit charcoal adds undesirable flavor to BBQ meats, I believe, is largely a myth perpetuated by those who haven't tried it. Assuming you're using plain briquets, no lighter fluid, or charcoal impregnated with starter fluid, I don't think you'll find it to be a problem. Stick with Kingsford-- it's long-burning and consistent.
Blind tastings while judging is going on at competitions leads to make the off taste thing a moot point. There maybe someone out there who can tell but it is a very small percentage of the population.
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