uh oh

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what did I do wrong today? First time that this has happened. Cooked some beef ribs and a ham and could not keep my temps set. Used the water pan with hot water added at start up.After awhile I set it at 250 for a slow cook ,I set it on the up stroke and while my temp gauge said I was there after awhile, at the 250(tested temp gauge and even used another one,it was off by only about 5 degrees) the fire kept trying to die out. I had the top vent open but when I started to open just one bottom vent, it would shoot to 280 + and never come down. No matter what I tried (one vent- two -or three,at any setting and any variance) it would shoot up unless I closed all of the vents ,than it would hold at 250 and eventually still try to die out. Puzzled? Confused? Lost? Hopeless?
Thanks for any help,
Hiya Pete,

Could you provide a little more detail on the thermometer, and how, where and when you were taking temperature readings?

Placing the therm inside the WSM over the outside edge might cause what you are describing. I see something like that with an oven therm (internal) when it was set over the outside edge.
Hi Shawn,
I use a taylor stuck thru one of the top vent holes with a clip as like on the operateing tips section. It has worked up untill now, and thats what has me confused.I was monitering the temp thru out the cook.After awhile I couldnt trust what I was seeing so I kind of "winged" it and it turned out pretty good.But I am still trying to understand what happened today and untill I get a grip on what happened, I dont trust an over night cook..The only thing I did differant was use a differant charcoal, but I find that hard to belive ,that that was the problem -or could it be somehow ? The thermometer was inside the hole about -Id say 3 inches max.Like I said -the fire just kept wanting to die out unless I let her go by opening the bottom vent or vents.I just kept haveing to fool with it,let the vent open,than start closeing - I could not for some reason get it right and hold there.
Thanks Shawn any help would be appericated,
HI Pete. I think you hit the nail on the head...only thing different was the charcoal. What kind did you use last? What did you use this time? Did the new charcoal contain any petroleum products? The charcoal certainly can make a difference. Once you find some you like, stick with it (ie, read KINGSFORD).

It may cost a bit more, but based on my limited experience and what I've read here, its whats most recommended.

Hi Pete,
If the only difference between the two cooks was the charcoal, then that may very well be your answer. What kind of charcoal? I have been using Kingsford for years. I was thinking about trying "Royal Oak" since I have seen their advertisement a lot recently. If I do, it will be grilling on the 22.5" Weber kettle.
I had a heck of a bad time with a super cheap Taylor candy therm in the top vent. It seemed ok for a while then readings were all over the place. Maybe it's worn out.

If the therm is reliable, perhaps you have an airleak somewhere. If you haven't done so already, have a look at this part of TVWB. In particular Out of Round and Access door. Other than that not sure what it could be, perhaps one of the vets can help.

Royal Oak. I have used it before without problems,I generally use Kingsford as its more available everywhere here.
If you search the forum for Royal Oak you should find a few thumbs up for the product, I recall a 'perhaps doesn't last as long as Kingsford' comment but it should otherwise be OK. I've used it in my first couple of cooks and I had a 'too hot' problem followed by a 'can't get the temp up' problem but this was likely operator error.
Pete, I'll bet it was the switching of fuel. Stick with the Kingsford if you are going to use briquettes. Can't help you with lump suggestions!!
that thought crossed my mind too,because thats exactly what it acted like, and burned like. Can charcoal get damp in an unopened bag tho ??? If so, how can you tell looking at it ???
Pete, it sure can happen. If the bags of charcoal were outside and it rained(it does happen)it will dampen. Also, if it is extremely humid outside it will have an effect on it also.

I store all my charcoal in the laudry room. Nice and dry with no humidity problems. Maybe that's why I get such good burn time out of the fuel.??

Hope that helps!
Pete, I'm not sure how to tell with an unopened bag other than trying to get a feel for it when you open it. I've had problems with damp charcoal myself but it was either with partially used open bags or rainy camping trips. About all you can do when you're in the middle of a cook is adjust for higher temps and ride it out. That's what makes it so fun.
If damp briquettes is an issue seems to be up for debate. Perhaps I don't get it but if damp charcoal doesn't burn well, why would you have trouble keeping temps DOWN?

Did you use Minion Method or Standard method?

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> ... but when I started to open just one bottom vent, it would shoot to 280 + ... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> it's supposed to take up to 30 minutes for WSM for stabilize after a vent adjustment.

Thinking you might have had too much fire going when you put your meat on at 250F then were doing drastic vent adjustments. (Particularly if you left the lid off too long when loading meat and the coals had a chance to take off.)
After that it went something like this: Too hot -> close all bottom vents -> cooling off to 225, open bottom vents , nearly snuffed coals surge back to life creating a lot of heat. repeat.
yes Shawn
thats what was happening (were you sitting here,I didnt notice)<grin>
Only thing is, I brought it up slow to the 250 with all bottom vents closed than I cracked one vent when she started down,it settled right at 250 and stayed there for about 1 1/2 hr + - 5 degrees,than after that,all of a sudden it would start to climb FAST, if I closed the vent, the temp would nose dive down and fast, I played with all 3 vents,I played with one vent, I played with my old dog, and no matter what I did ,it was wrong,it didnt take any 30 minutes to stabilize -it was almost immeadeately. Thats why I was thinking charcoal - that was the one variable that I changed on this cook - if not I guess it was just a bad day . No, I didnt open the lid during the cook,except to take the meat off the lower rack and put up top with the other meat -I did this one time and it didnt even change the temp but a few degrees in that minute or so. I did the minon method also,I counted out 17 coals for the starter coals and they were ashed over before I put them in. You guys are great with your help,this is just driveing me nuts trying to figure what I did wrong.Started with hot water in the pan filled and had approx 1/4 left after about 6-7 hrs (webber pan)
I think the issue was overreaction with the vents and not allowing sufficient time for stabilization between changes.

Kinda like fishtailing on a gravel road in a rear wheel drive from oversteering. I've done the same thing, I would get panicky trying to get the temp up or down and mess around too much. Bet your food turned out fine though, and that's what helped me relax. I haven't wrecked anything yet despite all my anxiety.

Suggest playing with the dog even more and less with WSM.
Did another cook - brisket. This time I went back to the Brinkman charcoal pan for the water pan instead of the Webber pan, and back to Kingsford. Everthing was stable as a rock. Only thing differant was the charcoal and the pan size.For what good all this does whos knows,but something worked,Im sticking to the larger pan and Kingsford,Why change?
That was my point before Pete...when you find something that works, stick with it. Its a lesson that we all learn I suppose. From reading around in this site, I started out using Kingsford and have always had good results with it. It may be a bit more expensive, but thats the price for peace of mind. Glad your recent smoke went well!

your right exactly right Tony and thanks again. What I have learned here I dont think you can buy a book and read,Im still learning and from the people with the experiance and know how.
Thanks all.
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