Two butts results

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TVWBB Member
Greetings everyone, Just finished dinner after cooking two pork butts on my WSM last night. Special thanks to Pat Barnes for e-mailing me a rub recipe that was milder than the Renowned Mr. Brown rub. Pat, it was excellent, IMHO.
Started cooking Saturday evening at 6:45p.m., with both butts on top rack. At 12:00a.m., I turned and basted the butts and added water to the water pan. At 3:00a.m., got up to check cooker and temp was going down so I had to add charcoal. Next overnight cook, I will definately try the Minion Method for a longer burn time. Checked the butts at 8:00a.m. and they were still at 180 degrees, so off to church I go with the WSM doing the work while I'm gone. When I got back home (around 11:00a.m.) checked the Polder and we were at 190 and looking mighty fine. Pulled the butts off and let them rest, then they were devoured by my growing list of friends and family.
We had an excellent meal and I could not have done it without my new friends here. Guys, I REALLY appreciate all the help. May you all be blessed with happiness and good bbq.
Hi again Dee,
What a coincidence! I am doing 2 butts tomorrow. It's an experiment to see if I can cook and serve 2 on the same day. I plan to get them on by 0700 cook for about 8 hrs and then foil-wrap. Since I am not going to serve them tomorrow they can take as long as they want to get to 185-190. Glad you liked the rub. I assume you meant the one from "The BBQ Bible". It looks like you cooked for 16 hours. I am hopeing to get mine done in 12.
Hey Pat! I did use the one from the Barbecue Bible that you sent. My cook dropped to around 205 a couple of times so I guess that's why it took longer. I guess that's what I get for wanting sleep. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif Every time I do a cook I seem to learn a little more.
I will probably post a longer post of my fun day yesterday, but it was my first "dual-butt" cook. Up at 4:30, did not pull them off until around 7:00 pm. Long day.

Glad yours came out well. Mine were good, but seemed alot more fatty than the last butt I did. So much for dieting. I think butts will become less frequent...

I have a question -- is there a way to make pulled chicken??? /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif Gotta try and stay healthy!!
Glad to hear you're overnight cook went well.
Overnight is now the only way I cook butts now. A few tips I've learned:
-Use the Minion method. Full ring of unlit coals then a full chimeny of lit coals. Top off with smoke wood of choice.
-Fill the water pan with boiling water if possible.
-Replenish same with boiling water if possible just before going to bed.
-Make sure you have the smoker out of the wind. Nothing worse than a breezy night to drop the temp of the smoker -- and you'll never know it because you're asleep. BTDT /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif
-Let the smoker do it's job. On overnight cooks, I only open the smoker once - to turn and baste - and that's first thing in the morning.

Good luck. Let us know how the next one goes.

Peace. Out.

Alan, Thanks for the tips. I'm always on the lookout for more info.
I will definately try the Minion method next time. I was just a little reserved about cooking over unlit charcoal but with everyone else cooking this way with no complaints , I figure who am I to question Jim's discovery? /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
Also, I think I may order one of those ECB water pans so I don't have to worry with the pan all night.
The Minion method is awesome for any lenghty cooks. There is absolutely no difference in flavor, and my WSM stays between 235 - 260 (lid) for 14+ hours with very few adjustments.
Just to throw in my 2 cents here...
I agree that the Minion method is awesome... I believe, however, that you should start with a ring completely full of unlit and only 20 or so lit coals in the chimney... Spread them out evenly over the unlit and let the WSM do it's thing !!
And I for sure would get the bigger water pan for the over night cooks... I put the meat on between 11:00 p.m. and midnight - check that the temps are stable and go to bed !! As Alan said morning would be the first time to check the meat. I do however have alarms set to monitor the temps... I have one set to go off if the temps drop below 220* and one set to go off if it gets above 270* (as per Mr. Minion). I keep the remote next to the bed - but it has yet to go off !!
Overnight is the only way to do the butts!
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