Two butts or three?



TVWBB Super Fan
Trying to figure out expected yields for our weekend party. I've got about 35-40 folks coming over for what will be a serious Meatfest. We've got a 12# turkey for the deep-fryer, a nice size full brisket (about 12-13 pounds), burgers and hotdogs and I'll also be doing a couple of pork butts.

For a crowd of that size, given that there'll be turkey, brisket and pork, should I be cooking two or three butts? My plan so far is three 7-to-8-pounders on the lower grate and the brisky up-top. That would put it probably around 22-24# (pre-cook weight) of pullable pork.
If you were planning on pulled pork as your main meat, a good rule of thumb is 10 oz. of pre-cooked pork butt per person, so 40 X 10 = 400÷16 = 25 lbs. of pre-cooked weight. Since you are planning on cooking other meats, you might get away with less pork butt than you think you need.

Also, you might consider cooking the brisket below the pork butts. They can add flavor to a brisket
OK, good. That'll work out nicely and still leave us with enough leftovers for a few lunches. I think the "main-meat" honors will be equally split between the brisket and the pulled pork. The turkey is relatively small this year and our usual 15-16 pound bird is field-stripped by the end of the dinner, so I think they'll be even more reliance on the Q this year.

For the brisket, I'm going to inject (first-time going down that road) and foil in hopes of keeping the thin end of the flat from drying out as has been the case in recent cooks. The butts will also get a (different) inject, Chris Lilly's rub but no foil. There shall be pics, of course!
Agree with Jim H.

Two should be plenty. I find that a 7-8 pounder will fill one of those standard sized aluminum serving pans.

If I'm reading Jim's comment correctly, though, he's saying three average-sized butts, not two. 40 people, 10 ounces of meat per person (pre-cook weight, roughly 6-7 oz. sammies) that's 25 pounds pre-cook. Since average butts are between 7-9#, that would be three.

I'm figuring most folks will have one or two sandwiches (briskey or pork), with a couple going for seconds. If I had the grill space I'd do two briskets and 3 butts and keep all the leftover brisket for me!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by PeterD:
If I'm reading Jim's comment correctly, though, he's saying three average-sized butts, not two. 40 people, 10 ounces of meat per person (pre-cook weight, roughly 6-7 oz. sammies) that's 25 pounds pre-cook. Since average butts are between 7-9#, that would be three.

I'm figuring most folks will have one or two sandwiches (briskey or pork), with a couple going for seconds. If I had the grill space I'd do two briskets and 3 butts and keep all the leftover brisket for me! </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sorry, I should have been more concise. Three would be ideal since you have other meats. I would also keep the pulled pork for myself or as lovely parting gifts for my guests if they want some. Vacuum seal it before it has a chance to dry out and it will be as good as when it came off your smoker.
We've got a couple of Food-Savered "Care Packages" planned for some friends who couldn't make it this year. Since normally it's just me and my wife here, when I do a butt we both have our share (and then some) and the rest gets vac-sealed for the next few weeks' lunches/guests. Indeed it does reheat nicely!

