turning charcoal to ash

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David Prince

in first cook yesterday used about a half 20lb bag of Kingsford..ribs cooked 6 hours with temp at 240-250 the whole time (did go to 260 late in the day in direct sun)

closed the vents and the cooker went out and cooled down really quick (still 80 something degrees outside)

when inspected the briqs (dumped them thinking they were spent), I found that none had been turned to 100% ash, and that overall there was a lot of good charcoal left.

from the way the thing shut down and cooled off (I had diassembled and washed everything by 9pm and ate at 7pm) it seemed the charcoal was spent.

so how much charcoal in pounds do you guys use for for rib cook, butt cook, and brisket cook?

also using the Brinkman pan for an overnight cook..a little concerned about the bigger bowl smothering the fire.

thx again/infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
I just cooked 12 hours on much less charcoal then that. But they were all ash except for a few that fell away from the fire before the got started. When I have left over charcoal I brush the ash off and use them for grilling.
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