Turkey Breast - Sandwich meat


Eric Backlund

New member
The local grocery store has turkey breasts on sale this week. So, I am thinking about smoking a few this weekend to load up the freezer with some deli style sandwich meat.

Since I am thinking about doing 4 - 6 breasts, I am looking for ideas on different brines and rubs. I will do a couple with my standard apple juice brine, but what other ideas are out there for some interesting flavors that will work well for sandwich meat?


I'm sorry to tell you that I have no idea about how to help you. I'm not sure how well a deli turkey breat will take a brine, but I'm very interested in finding out. Please let me know.

I'm not sure, but aren't deli turkey breasts ground up and reformed into loaves and not really one big breast. If this is the case I'm not sure what kind of juices, brine, etc they already package it with.

I'm sure someone else here can offer more info, but I'm interested in the topic so please share your results.

Good Luck
I am thinking that Eric means to buy raw breasts and smoke them in order to make his own deli-style meat. Eric?

Mojo is a possibility. Or you can alter the fruit notes in the brine you are currently making by altering the fruit, replacing the apple juice in your brine with, say, mango, or make a blend like, say, tamarind and pineapple. For a more savory finish, a sraight brine with added flavors (water with salt, little sugar, if any, garlic, herbs, peppercors, e.g.) is a possibility, or variations along that line. You can sub broth for the water if you prefer, alternatively.
That is correct Kevin. I would like to make my own 'deli style' lunch meat, instead of paying the $6-7/lb at the grocery store.

I like the Mojo idea, and think I might in that direction.

Thanks for ideas!


I SEEE!!!!! that sounds like such a great idea. Well in my ignorance I bumped you back to the top at least :P

I still want to hear the results.

Eric, I just did some during my Thanksgiving vacation. I went the curing route, for the turkey ham effect. They turned out great, and got rave reviews by the guys at work. Just another option for you. Here's the link.
Josh - Thanks for the Bump

Bryan - I saw your thread and those cured turkey breasts look excellent. But, my Saturday opened up unexpectedly. The cured turkey breast is defiantly on my list of thing to try, but, I will probably wait until after Christmas as I found out that Santa is bringing me a meat slicer!

I think I will be going with Kevin's Mojo suggestion. As soon as the breast thaw out I will get them marinating for a smoke session tomorrow.

Now my dilemmas: Apple or Maple wood; low and slow or high temp and what else should I put on the smoker with

