Turkey breast is best. Thanks Keri C


Jim Babek

Did my first turkey breast and used Keri's brine recipe. The meat came out absolutely perfect...just the right amount of sweet and salt with the skin crunchy and deep mahogony.

One thing I did add was a teaspoon of prague powder #1. Since I havent done a turkey breast before I have nothing to compare it to, and dont know if it actually made a difference, but had to try it out of curiousity.

The meat was a really nice pink through out and it did take on a hammy taste which is what I wanted. It really was a dead ringer for those huge turkey legs you get at Disney World.

I injected the breast with the brine and let it sit in the solution for 12 hours, air dry for 5 and then smoked it at 335 with two pieces of cherry till 160.

I think my next toy will be a meat slicer so I will never again have to by meat from a deli.

Thanks Keri for the great recipe. Its definately a new favorite as I try to shed some pounds the beef & pork Q have helped me put on.

Anyone with any thoughts as to my use of the cure and its effects on the meat please let me know. I think Im going to have to do a side by side to tell for sure.
Jim, I bet the Prague powder was responsible for the pink color and some of the "hammy" taste. I've never used that concoction as an injection... guess I'll have to try that sometime!

Keri C, smokin' on Tulsa Time
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content"> From Jim Babek: Did my first turkey breast and used Keri's brine recipe. The meat came out absolutely perfect...just the right amount of sweet and salt with the skin crunchy and deep mahogony. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Jim, which of Keri's brines did you use? She has been so generous with her successes that I'd like to see which one you liked.

From one of my books concerning cold smoking, Prague Powder's only attribute is giving the red color to meat and not flavor.

