Turducken on the WSM


Dan Huffman

TVWBB Member
Has anyone tried to cook a turducken on a WSM yet?? I was tempted to do one this Thanksgiving season, but wasn't sure how feasible it would be.

If anyone has tried it, how did it turn out? How high were the temps. In the oven you set it around 350-375, so it'd be completely comparable to running the WSM with a dry pan.

Mine came out great the last two times in the oven, but I'd sure like to get some smoke flavor going on the little guy.

Am I barking up an insanely crazy tree with this cooking idea of mine?

Huh...."googled" turducken. For those that don't know its a deboned turkey stuffed with a deboned duck which itself is stuffed with a small deboned chicken. Never heard of such a thing.....where would I find one of those here in Maine? Guess I'll just crawl back under the rock I've been living under now......
I'd never heard about it until I saw an article on it in National Geographic a year ago... It's ridiculously tasty and also TREMENDOUSLY BAD for you. It is as follows:

One deboned turkey stuffed with a deboned duck, which is then stuffed with a deboned chicken. The whole concoction is stuffed with pork sausage, cornbread... basically anything you want and then slathered with a spicy rub which has tons of cayenne and paprika.

I got mine in St. Louis since I'm only about 2 hours away at a grocery store. A 16 lb. bird is about $55, but they do vary in price. As far as I know, they are only available around the holidays and you can find places to order them online if your grocer doesn't carry them.

If it helps, John Madden eats these things every holiday and that's how most of my friends found out about it. I made one for a bunch of co-workers and they couldn't get enough of it!!
They're quite good if done right.

Dan, here's some info I dug up in the archives.


Thanks for the info... I guess it would help if I looked in the archives first! I'm a slacker. I'll be checking these out!

Thanks a lot!
For those of you who are interested - here is a link I found a while back. I don't know anything of the company - but I really want to buy one of these bad boys.


BUT, this is the only thing my wife has said no about (and really meant it) in regards to my BBQ hobby. So given her understanding nature, I think I have to pass for a while on the Turducken.

By the way - what it is - is all in the name - Turkey / Duck / Hen. I did see an old show with Justin Wilson a long time ago and he made his own. It would be pretty cool to wrap it all up and serve it as completely homemade.


I hear you on the wife not liking the idea! Mine freaks out everytime I mention it, but luckily she was out of town this holiday when I made one.

It's delicious, and she may be surprised, so break one out anyway and see what happens!


