trying a new recipe for 20 hour pork butt

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took my normal rub of equal salt, brown sugar, paprika, and pepper, along with some garlic and coated it on an oil covered pork butt. mixed up some sweet orange juice and russian honey and blended it until just a liquid and injected it everywhere. it's sittin in the fridge right now until it goes into the smoker full of unlit charcoal and a few lit briquets at say 200 degrees, all to be monitored by the guru.

hopefully the orange juice and honey will stay sweet. I will leave it in till it reaches at least 180 and let ya know what come out.

damn, /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif wish I could find some pecan

gotta go make some beans and tater salad

here's hopin...

Okay, Chris, where's that Instant Graemlin that represents drooling? Les, that sounds great! Looking forward to the report.

Taking it to 180, I presume you're planning on slicing rather than pulling? Doesn't really matter - just pass me the whole butt, a fork, and a roll of paper towels when it's done, okay? /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

Keri C
Smokin on Tulsa Time
hi keri

I usually can't get em to go much above 175 or so, and thought maybe with the new bbq guru attachment that I might get it up a little higher. 20 hours is about all the longer I can wait to eat!!! /infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif
Patience, my child... those lil' ol' butts will eventually get over that temp plateau and reach the 190's. My butts will usually hit a plateau at about the 160's or so, then sometimes again around 180. The first butt I ever did sat at 162 for 3 hours before it starting moving up again. I knew to expect it, but I was STILL checking to see if my thermometer was busted. /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif Ah, but the magic that's happening while it sits at the plateau with all those luscious connective tissues melting makes it all worth while, eh? You think your 175 butt was good, wait'll you taste that pig-candy when it's gone up to 190 and collapsed in on itself for lack of structural support.

Okay. That's it. I'm hungry now. When's that piggie gonna be done already???????? Oh... wait... I WAS the one encouraging patience, wasn't I? /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

Keri C
Smokin on Tulsa Time
I can attest to the joys of waiting till it hits above 190, like night and day. Amazing what a difference 10-20 degrees can make /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
Why not grab a second butt and then if you can't wait you can pull one and let the other keep going to see for yourself!
I have 4 butts (tad over 30lbs for a tad over $30) in cryovac waiting to be prepped for the smoker tomorrow after work. Will this be enough for 6 people? Hehehehe.
how long do people think is long enough to let it marinade?

how long do people think is overkill?

would appreciate some opinions tonight if anybody see this

thanks les /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
With orange juice as part of the injection I would let it go too long brfore cooking.
What temp are you cooking at? I don't believe I've ever taken 22 hours to do a pork butt, 6 to 7 pounders normally will take 12 to 14 hours to reach 195?. I cook between 225 to 250?.
Same here. I've never had a pork butt go 20+ hours. I buy the two pack cryovac butts at Costco and place one on the top rack and one on the bottom. The top rack is typically around 230 degF. I pull them off of the WSM when the internal is 195 degF. It usually takes 13-15 hours, but never longer.

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