trimming briskets


Bryon Piequet

Are you guys finding better bark by cutting off all the shiny membrane on the top of the brisket? I was watching BBQ PMs on tV and Myron Mixon was cutting all of the shiny (very thin) membrane off the top of the brisket stating the bark will not form on this? I have not trimmed it all off as it's really hard to do it without making the top look like crap. What are your experiences?
Whether I'm competing or not I always cut off all the membrane, etc, down to the meat. Just a preference. But I can tell you that it takes forever for that membrane to break down and be permeable if you don't. I like to leave nothing to chance, unless I just have too many to do on a given day to be able to devote that much time to doing so, but even then I'll get most of it. A good sharp knife with a long blade that goes all the way across the top of the flat does a pretty good job of slicing evenly and not taking out 'chunks.'

Hope that helps...
Yes, the membrane has to go for me. I also try to get as much fat off of it as possible. When you have a large packer I don't worry so much as to overtrim it, you'll have plenty of meat there to smoke and enjoy.
I've had really good results removing the entire fat cap and the pocket of fat up in the point. I'm not a huge fan of the fat, but rub on 4 sides is awesome.

