Trimming a pork butt


Phil R.

TVWBB All-Star
I'm curious if anyone here knows (or regularly uses) the fat that one trims off of a pork butt before Q'ing it. I usually just give it to my dog. Could I render it and use it for pie crusts or other stuff that might call for a lard? I would have done it long ago, but I always thought "lard" came from fatback or some other special place on the pig.
Sure you can; grind it up or chop it and render it in a heavy pot over moderate heat. Add a T or two of water at the outset. Let the lard render and the water evaporate; strain into a container, cool, and refrigerate.. You can also grind it up for use in sausage (to add fat to leaner meat cuts you're using) and use it for cracklins.
The other day I noticed that my local"pork monger" had pork fat(butt trimmings) in packages for $.99/lb! I have committed the same more!

