Tried the Tequila Shrimp Recipe from the Weber Phone App


Jeff B

TVWBB Member
The Weber phone app for the droid has a really good (and it's quick and easy) recipe for tequila shrimp. Just be cautious about how much red pepper the recipe calls for. It came out a little hot for everyone's tastes. I cooked it two weeks in a row. The first week we ate it as a side but it was so good that we decided to try it as a main dish. So, the following week we had it as a main dish over yellow rice and it was a great summer dish. Washed down with margaritas, of course.

Here are a few pics:


Looks tasty :D.

If you're going to make that dish often, I would suggest you get 2-3 racks for the cook, something like this


It will save soooooo much time over flipping them individually.

