Trial run in the 22.5 WSM



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Used two chimney starters and torched a small section of coals to get started. Pit is running nicely but it is around 275 right now. I have the bottom vents just barely open with the top vent wide open. Coming from an off-set I always keep the exhaust vent wide open and control the heat with the intake vents. To get my temps down to between 225 and 250 should I also back off the vent on the lid? I do have one gallon of water in the water pan. I also read somewhere that the first couple of cooks might run hot until the insides lose the shiny luster and get coated with smoke.
Thanks for all your help!!
Always leave your lid on the WSM open all the way when cooking.
Simply close off the bottom vents just a little and she'll go down for ya. You will love this smoker. I've had mine prob. 12 years or so and I use it all the time. It will out last most others because of its simplicity and quality.
Agree with Dean. Have had my 22.5 just over a month now and am finding it easier to maintain whatever temp I need either due to familiarity or increased gunk forming with every smoke (likely a combination of the two).

I find that for very precise temp control (where I want to maintain no more than 10 degrees of fluctuation) on my low and slow cooks I close two vents completely and use only the third to maintain my desired temp.

Am very happy with the 22.5...just smoked up about 80lbs of butt Saturday for an event in a couple weeks. WSM behaved like a champ. Very little care and feeding.

Thanks guys. I tried the minion method yesterday and backed off the vents a little earler and she ran at a steady 215-225 for my entire cook. I think getting the shine off of the inside helped as well!!
I noticed that even when I smoke with the 18.5" OTS (offset fire brick method) it took a few good long smokes to 'season' the grill. I have a 22.5" OTS I use for grilling, so the 18.5" OTS gets mainly used for pork butts.

The first couple of times there was more of a variance in temp. Now that I have a good build-up all over the inside, it's requiring less and less attention during the smoke.

I've heard and would imagine that the WSM is the same way.

