Tomorrow is my BBQ cater day!



OK tomorrow I'm catering our annual Christmas party as i've done the last 2 years. This year I've decided not to dry out the meat by slicing it early per all your suggestions.

So, i've got two 10lb briskets I smoked and 2 pork butts I pulled. The briskets aren't sliced at all, they've been in the fridge since yesterday wrapped in foil.

Tomorrow at 10:30-10:45am I need to arrive with hot meat.

Here's my plan:

Put both 10lb briskets in the oven at 250F at ~8am with 1/2 cup Rick's Sinful Marinade in each wrapped in foil. Put pulled pork in oven in foil pan with 1/2-1 cup Rick's Sinful Marinade in the same oven.

Does this sound reasonable? 2 1/2 hours of 250F to reheat 2 pork butts (already pulled) and two 10lb briskets? Or should I do 300F?

Also my plan is to bring the briskets to 145F internal.

That should be more than enough time. I'd stick with 250. Much depends on how thick the briskets are, how deep the pork is in the pans, and how cold everything is when it goes in the oven. Rotate the pans front to back, top to bottom, about 60-75 min into the reheat. The test needs to be the brisket; the pork can get quite hot with no ill effect. 145 is good for the brisket--150 tops. If your reheat is ready sooner than planned turn off the oven, open its door a little for a few minutes, then close it.

Good luck and have a greaty party.

