tomato - smoked and dried


K McCarthy

i was going to give this a try this weekend, following Chris's technique in the cooking section.

If anyone has tried this, and could offer some tips and suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

The only suggestions I can make is to read his instructions carefully as he covers all the details very well; be picky when selecting tomatoes and definitely use Romas; do not eat them all as they finish or you won't have any left.

Two favorites in addition to the obvious uses: Several tomatoes heated in evoo with some minced garlic (to 165 degrees) for a few minutes then pureed with some fresh basil leaves, and toasted pecans to form a loose paste. Fold in some finely grated fresh asiago (my choice, or parm) and add salt and pepper to taste. A nice spread for bread, I particularly like it on cornbread. Good spread on steaks fresh off the grill as well (particularly good if the steak is then topped with grilled avocado!)

If you like heat, a sauce of sliced jals, shredded dried tomatoes, garlic, onions, butter, and evoo is great tossed with whole wheat pasta (it stands up to the flavors well) as a starter. Good with diced roasted tomatillos thrown in as well.

Thanks for the suggestions Kevin.

I'll post my results. It's supposed to rain here tomorrow, so it may have to wait.

Fired up the WSM at 10:00 AM

Started with 8 lit briquetts of Kingsford on top of full charcoal ring, 2 med-small size chuncks of pecan that i made into very small pieces with a hatchet were placed through-out.

One bottom vent 20% top vent 50% all others closed. No water pan at all.

Temp rose fast, I was at 140 in about 10 minutes, closed the bottom vent. Kept going to 160, closed top vent. Half hour later hit 180, I put the empty water pan in, trying to deflect the heat, rose to 194 started pulling out lit coals. All this took place over about an hour or so. Finally filled the water pan with cold water and that brought it down to 175 or so. It remained there for almost 3 more hours. Finally 4+ hours later I had 158 and was able to keep it between 150 and 163 for the remainder of the day/night.

I did pull them all at 11:00 PM and finished in the oven, removing the last of larger pieces at around 3:30 this AM.

Over all I am quite pleased with the flavor and consistancy of the tomatoes, but the low temp control was a major hassle for me.

I would do it again only starting with 2 or 3 lit briquetts, and close the bottom all the way earlier.

All temps were measured at the grate.

Sorry no pics


