As you all are well aware, the HM project has evolved over the last few years to a point where 3D printing has become an integral part of the community. When this first started the demand wasn't very high and Matt and I were able to handle most requests. As you might have heard, due to time constraints, Matt had to stop printing for the HM project but Ralph has been picking up some of that slack. Unfortunately, I'm now at the point where I'm going to have to seriously limit my printing as well. My inbox is filled with case requests and I don't even have the time to respond to all of them. I know for a fact that there are many people on this forum with 3D printing capabilities because I've printed the parts for at least 4 forum member's machines. I was hoping that anyone with a 3D printer that is willing, will post their contact in this thread so that forum members seeking assistance in 3D printing could find it here. Maybe we could setup some central location for people to place requests and then we could fill them based our availability. If anyone has an idea, please post it.