TJ turkey



TVWBB All-Star
Trader Joe's turkey is here today. I got mine! The freezer is cleared out and I need to start getting thighs for all of the dark meat fans.
I got 8 Mary's turkey thighs today. Next I have to get sausages for the non turkey eaters.
Is that a particularly good brand?
I just went shopping for thighs a few days ago. This is my first time to buy parts, but only one family member prefers the dark meat,
so I thought I'd just do a turkey breast and smoke a few thighs. (I don't like to mess with drumsticks because of all the tendons.)

Thighs are not really common here, but I found some at Sprouts.
Is that a particularly good brand?
I just went shopping for thighs a few days ago. This is my first time to buy parts, but only one family member prefers the dark meat,
so I thought I'd just do a turkey breast and smoke a few thighs. (I don't like to mess with drumsticks because of all the tendons.)

Thighs are not really common here, but I found some at Sprouts.
Mary's is considered to be better than regular store brands, it's organic and available at the local Sprouts. I did legs one year and can to the same conclusion too many tendons. I have a friend that has a special request at her dinner for legs because they like the tendons. :)
Mary's is considered to be better than regular store brands, it's organic and available at the local Sprouts. I did legs one year and can to the same conclusion too many tendons. I have a friend that has a special request at her dinner for legs because they like the tendons. :)
LOL To each their own!

