

I am new to the forum and am happy to be here. I using am new 22.5 WSM (two cooks so far). As I understand, it is difficult to accurately predict exactly when a meat product will be done cooking, right?

My question: how do you suggest I treat, say, a 6PM "supper time" for guests? I don't want to make folks wait until the meat finishes, nor do I want it done too early. Do I start early and hold? Cook days earlier and reheat? (I HAVE found that re-heated BBQ can taste mellow and nicely-aged!)

I have a 20+ person family get-together in July and need to start to plan, but I also want to know for the casual weekend cook.

You are correct, meats can be unpredictable. You didn't say what your menu is, but I would shoot for having the meat done about 3 hours before you want to eat if it's butts or brisket.
Ribs I would try for an hour before, and personally I think poultry has more flavor when reheated.
If you wrap your meats in foil, then towels and put them in an empty ice chest they will still be plenty hot whey you're ready to eat.

