Timing Dilemma


Steve M.

Our annual trout fishing trip to the Caney Fork River is coming up next week. Two years ago I made the "mistake" of bringing Q for late lunch when we come off the river (instead of bologna sandwiches). Now,the guys won't settle for anything less (go figure).

Here is my dilemma, I have to work late the day before and probably could not get the WSM fired up before 7pm. My 2-3 shoulder cooks have always averaged 14-16 hours to hit 195. Since I have to leave the house at 4am, I am going to have to cook ahead of time.

If I cook the shoulders on Tuesday / Wednesday and put them in the fridge, how can reheat them on Friday morning and not compromise the quality of the meat?

I have done this a few times, and just use a little apple juice, or some more of the carolina red I put in there, and heat in oven at a lower temp, like 170 or something. I could not tell much of a difference, nor could the guests.
I would recommend Keri C's "Boilin' Bag" method.
Boilin' Bag

(Look for the 8th post in the thread)

You could then transport them in a cooler of ice and reheat them easily as she suggests once you need them.

