threw the chickens on...what about the giblets??

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Ron F

I usually just throw them away, but I'm doing 3 chickens this time and was just wondering what I could do with the giblets?????

One word... "gravy".

Combine the giblets, some garlic cloves, and some chicken stock. This is the time to add aromatics like celery and onions if that is what you like. Cover and bring to a boil. Uncover and reduce heat to a simmer. Skim off any gunk that has collected on the surface.

Cook the giblets uncovered for about one hour until the point of a knife or fork slides in easily. Add a cup of water each time the liquid reduces by half. Remove the giblets, allowing them to cool.

Meahwhile, continue to cook stock for an hour or so until the neck bones fall apart. Add water as needed. During the last half-hour don't add any more water. While that's going on, cut the heart and gizzards into thin slices or small cubes and set it aside. Strain the stock. Skim off any remaining fat. Just before serving, add your sliced/diced giblets and add herbs and such that suits you. Pick out the meat from neck and add. Heat until warm throughout. Add deglazing liquid from the roasted bird if you have any. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

If you are short of what you need, make up a reaux. This is what _my_ grandma called "brown gravy" (we weren't so fancy and didn't use french words). It's just butter and flour browned to just short of the color of creamy peanut butter. Mix this in with your giblet gravy and you're ready to go.

** Updated a short time later: hope this makes up for my red-eye gravy recipe submitted earlier. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif **
What I do with my giblets and the neck is place them on a sheet of aluminum foil. Drizzle olive oil on them and sprinkle my home make rib rub on them. Roll the foil up and place on my gas grill. I slow cook them on the upper rack for about an hour.Take them off and eat them as an appetizers while waiting for the smoker to finish my butt can chickens.
excellent ideas! Chet, yours looks a little daunting for a beginner like me, but it sounds oh so good. They all sound good! Am I supposed to cut out the neck before I cook the chickens? I always just cook the whole bird...


The neck is usually wrapped up with the rest of the giblets. I have never seen a chicken or turkey with the neck bones attached other than the one I watched my mother wring! It was an unnerving site for such a young child. I got better.

This is a simple recipe and really hard to screw up. The "margin for error" is pretty wide. Relax and play. Have some fun. What's the worst thing that can happen? You destroy some giblets that you have never cooked with before?

Rule #1 Don't sweat the small stuff.
Rule #2 It's all small stuff.

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