Three cooks at once


Steve Petrone

TVWBB Platinum Member
This afternoon I put three butts and a 4 lb brisket on the wsm. For my son's basketball banquet, we traveled to a friends house. I volunteered to do the cooking on his grills. On an old webber gasser I cooked marinated chicken breasts. On a new chargriller I cooked 24 burgers and 24 dogs.
A couple observations.

Cast iron will rust in a blink but it is great to grill on.

An old three burner weber gasser really cooks.
What a fine gas grill. I am impressed. No stainless steel import will turn my head after cooking on the weber. Great heat. Great control. Just great. Period. And this one was old.

When I got home the wsm was holding at 200. An hour later it has finnally nudged up to 214.

Three cooks at a time is a charm.
Sounds like a good time for all! Cast iron is the best imho. I just oil them down after each cook and never have I seen a spot of rust.

