Thoughts on Whole Foods brand hardwood charcoal?


Jim Long

New member
I'm ready to try a smoke with some lump charcoal. In the Puget Sound area, my retail choices are Royal Oak Lump and Wicked Good WW. Today, I noticed that Whole Paycheck (er, Whole Foods!) has an in-house brand, 365 Whole Foods Everday, 8.8 lb. bags of 100% Real Hardwood Charcoal. ($4.99/bag).

The bag has cooking instructions/comments from the authors of Licensed to Grill: Chris Schlesinger & John Willoughby. (wonder who packages the Whole Foods brand?)

Does anyone have some thoughts/expereinces with this lump they could share??
I've been using the Royal Oak, $5.27 for 10#, in the Kettle for a while (Since I found my supply of B&B Oak dry) I find it great for grilling and it will be acceptable in the WSM when I run out of B&B. I hear that you can't go wrong with the Wicked Good, I would jump on that if I could get it. Check out the Naked Whiz He reviews them all, it should be all you need to know!
WF's charcoal is made by Cowboy, or at least it was a few years ago. Not one I would recommend for the WSM. It's serviceable for grilling but I'm not a fan. No flavor, too dusty, too many small pieces. I am a big fan of Wicked Good.
I agree with Kevin. I tried it last year, seemed to be the same as Cowboy. By the way, I love shopping at Whole Foods when I'm feeling rich. I hate the prices there!!!!!!!!!!! but I do it anyway now and then.
Originally posted by K Kruger:
I am a big fan of Wicked Good.
now that the competition blend is gone the way of the dodo, how do you like the weekend warrior blend? I've heard mixed reviews...
hey I like the 365 for grillin and used to use it in my offset, needed the heat. I now use wew in the wsm and love it. I happen to work at whole foods but am not biased. where I am the 365 is the best thing going that I can pick up on the reg otherwise it is kingsford or matchlight or duraflame I don't like briquettes never have
Besides the problems with Cowboy that Kevin pointed out, the biggest for me is that there is little consistent burn time.

Royal Oak is fine, and Wicked Good is great for the WSM.
Adam I like the WEW but have not used it much yet. I still have a Comp stash. It is not Comp but I liked it a lot. Craig, have you tried the WEW yet?

I had hoped to have picked up a sizeable Hump stash but have spent virtually no time in the northeast. One of these days it will happen and I'll let you know, Craig, to see if you're interested in a bunch at that time.

Adam are you getting WG retail? What's the Conn price?

Thanks for the thought....and yeah, I'd like to get some if it's not out of your way.

I've turned into a lump addict. I've not tried WEW yet as I hoarded about 150 lbs of the comp brand.

I've been using a lot of B&B and Picnic lump.

Gotta tell ya, Picnic, IMHO, is as good and as long burning as the WGC brand.

I get Picnic from a Tampa wholesaler $7.50 for 15 lb bag.
Yup, Whole Foods = Cowboy. I've found hardwood flooring, shoe molding - all kinds of stuff in Whole Foods. It's a crying shame they don't find a better producer.

I've used Chigger Creek lately and loved it. Anyone else try it?

Greetings from one Central FLa Q'r to another.

I get Picnic from a Tampa wholesaler $7.50 for 15 lb bag.

Would you be so kind to pass along the name of this wholesaler? I have been using Royal Oak to good success. I would be very interested in giving it a try.


Q'n, Grill'n or Golf'n.... too many choices.

It's Sanwa Growers who are a wholesale grocer and Restaurant supply house.

They are located on Hillsborough Ave in Tampa (near 30th st).

They sell to the public, but you got to get there before 1 pm as they close around 1:30.
Picnic is my favorite stuff. Have not tried WEW as I cannot get locally, but can't imagine it being better than Picnic! Also have some B&B onhand which is pretty decent. The two are far and away better than RO, Cowboy, etc, IMO. Of course you have to go with what you can find. I was looking on Amazon one day and looks like you can get Ozark Oak, which I have been wanting to try, through them, but shipping was something crazy like $15.
I love wicked good comp brand, but Picnic is every bit as good. Maybe even better with the consistency in the size of pieces throughout the bag.

B&B is a step down from those two, but still very, very good while Royal Oak IMHO is a couple of steps down from B@B.

And I would be content if all I had to use was Royal Oak.
but Picnic is every bit as good. Maybe even better with the consistency in the size of pieces throughout the bag.
That's quite a statement. I will definitely have to get some as my Comp is almost gone!
Where can I get Wicked Good lump in the Puget Sound area? Some grocery stores carry Lazzari Mesquite that I have tried (sparks alot when lighting, but good burning)and BGE lump (Royal Oak)seen Cowboy lump but never tried it. I have heard raves about the Weekend Warrior by Wicked Good charcoal and if I can pick some up locally (Seattle/Eastside)I'd like to give it a burn.

