Thin pork chops


Craig C

Good morning all, I'm headed to the store for some thin, boneless chops. How long a smoke do think? I'll keep them under a half inch. Sauce them, put on a bun with a little dill pickle relish and diced onion.
Chops like that don't need the slow cook. one way to get a flavorful chop is to baste the top side and turn over frequently until done. Your choice of flavor and sauce
I'd mariante em. I've tried the roadside recipe on pork and it's equally good ! Give me some flavor, and if they're thin, cook em hot, flip, done !
I frequently cook those 'cause my store putsd them on sale frequently. To paraphrase from my Louisiana heritage"First you make a brine". Same goes for chicken breasts. My standard brine recipe is 1qt COLD water+1/4C each of Kosher(Morton's)+1/4C Turbanado sugar.Cover the meat in this for 1 hour.Rinse.pat dry and add any seasonongs. You can vary the time by adjusting the salt.Double the salt halve the time,etc. I try to do mine early enough fro any rub/seasoning to take effect. Hope this helps.

