These Webers multiply...


Marc Massaro

just brought home my first Weber about 3 weeks back, a OTG 26....and **** if there's isnt another Weber out back already- here's the pics

Have been watching CL for a used one, missed a couple, and then saw this one that was in Mass. on the RI border...called this a.m., took the ride there and picked it up.
took them in front of the OTG box.

I dont know if you'll be able to see, but I wanted to ask if I have this assembled correctly, and if it is complete?

I checked the thermo, using the boiling water and chopstick suspension method (thanks to the member who posted this, worked very well!)

Therm is about 5 degrees on the cool side at 212, so not too bad. Grates need some TLC, will get them cleaned and that rust off..the straps on the inside have some rust there too...need a bit of attention. Its in pretty good shape and should clean up really well. Ive been reading a lot of these different topics in anticipation of my WSM- thanks to all for the great topics, advice..sharing tips, etc
Thanks so much're right it is sitting on the bowl. The manual will be helpful. I'd never seen one and when I took it apart the bowl was in the charcoal ring nestled on the very bottom.
If I can get it cleaned up in time, will do my first butt this weekend.
I'm mistaken, the lower cooking grate sits on the bracket right above the water bowl, not on the bolts. (I've been eyeing that smokey joe smoker post too long I think).
Mine too. Just got the middle 2 off of CL yesterday. The 22.5" WSM was hiding.


