Thermometer use


Lloyd Coutain

New member
Good day all,

I plan to do a multi-meat cook on Saturday.

Pork, chicken and beef. I have 2 grill surface thermometers, 2 mini poultry buttons and 2 mini steak buttons, all Kingsford and 2 CDN programmable probes. My question is should I place the meat thermometers, both the kingsford and the CDN, in the raw meat and leave it in for the entire cook? can I leave the grill surface thermometers on the grill surface for the entire cook?
Whoa - therm overload!

Therm usage depends on the cut of meat. Specifically, what cuts of meat do you have?

I've never used the "buttons" with my WSM. Don't really need them.

Yes, you can leave the grill surface therms on for the entire cook.

BUT ... in order to check the buttons or the surface therms, you'll have to lift the lid and peeking is a big "No-No".

Just use the CDN probes.

BTW, internal temps are only a guide. "Tenderness" is the key.
LLOYD, Welcome to the forum. I believe the best thing to do is not to introduce the probes into the meat until the surface temp of the meat reaches the point at which it kills those nasty oranisms living on the meats surface. Not that your meat has any of them critters, of course. Theory being that you may just push them little guys into the interior of the meat where they will be somewhat protected from the killing effect of the surface temps. At least that is what I read. You really don't need to know the interior temp early on anyway.
You didn't mention what cut of pork and beef you are cooking, that also will make a difference in the type of thermometer you want to use. ie thin cuts use an instant read to confirm proper temp, thicker cuts, butts and brisket and roasts use the prob if you like towards the end of the cook. I am also not familiar with the devices you refer to. Can you give a reference I'd like to see them, just as an educational aid.

If you are cooking on a WSM with wood, the smoke will coat the glass and at the end you won't be able to read them.
got to load up on them accessories

I am doing a pork tenderloin and beef short ribs.

I have heard that about the peeking, but i am hoping that with proper placement and a light i can see those one the top grill via the led vents, smoke permitting.

On the CDN probe, probe cable through the led vent or between the lid and center piece?

