Thermapen issues.



I bought my new Thermapen ("TP") about 3 or 4 months ago and I've had some strange issues with it, so I thought I'd ask the experts.

What I find when using my TP is that it will read and display a temp very quickly but the temperature reading changes constantly as if it cannot reach a final temp. Now before you say that different areas of the meat are at a different temperature, I mean that it will continually tick upwards for a number of seconds--perhaps 10+ seconds, all the while showing a higher and higher temp. I'm not sure this is accurate.

Also, sometimes when I am cooking steaks I have checked the temp and the TP has registered around 190 degrees in one steak and around 135 in the other steak, but the steaks are cooking side by side in a cast iron skillet. How can a steak read 190 degrees and the come out medium rare? And why the big discrepancy in temps?

Does it sound like my TP is malfunctioning or am I using it wrong?

When you say it keeps reading higher and higher, is it big climbs or tenths. Perhaps it is showing the actual temp as the food cooks

Was the 190 steak in the pan or pulled. If in the pan I would suspect it was picking up the pan temp. Have you tried in boiling water or ice bath. I would also test in something that you suspect to give a stable temp such as a stick of butter
very close to the edge of a steak could be 190 degrees I suppose. Try inserting the TP horizontally from the side of whatever cut of meat you're measuring to ensure the probe is in the middle of the meat.
You have to be care about how far you insert the probe. You're probably ending up with the tip near the bottom side of the meat which is closest to the heat.
Jeff, It tells you not to pay attention to the 1/10th degree reading and there is a dip switch setting to remove it completely. Also, there are some great videos and info at: If still in doubt, make an ice bath and test it. The site shows the proper way to do this. It's harder than one would think to get the ice bath right.

Good Luck.
I always hit the meat horizontally. I also don't put to much weight into the temperature while its on the grill, once I get to with 5 degrees while on the grill and I take it off. After several minutes I check the temperature again and it is usually higher as it continues to cook by the temperature is right on point. You will get a ball park if checking the temperature on the grill, it obvious that the temperature will keep going up if the meat is still on the grill cooking. If its off it may need to be recalibrated, I would definitely do the boiling water and ice cold water test, make sure to adjust for your altitude and barometric pressure, they have a calculator on their website that will tell you what your boiling point is.
Mine acts about the same. I think yours is ok.

It does tend to "climb" a bit, as you described, when you stick it in a large piece of meat that is cooking. Once the meat is off the fire and rested, it will hit the temp right away and stick.

On the steaks, I find that it is all over the place on thinner cuts of meat while they are cooking. The Thermapen is so sensitive that it gets heat from the charcoal/burners, and just a mm or two makes a big swing in the reading.

Like someone said, insert it from the side. And I'd take the meat off the grill, at least pick it up with tongs, to take the read.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Jesse (Jaybls):
Have a look at this link and see if it helps: </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Excellent post Jaybis.

That about says it all for a super accurate Thermopen. As mentioned in the article, Unlike many other thermometers, you have a precise measurement at the 1/8" probe tip. Add that to the fast 3 second response time, it changes often.

Welcome to the site Jaybis!

