The Weber Era Seems to Be Over

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I just got a 2012 Performer, I can't compare it to an older one but can say it is much better quality than the other brands at Wally world. I also got one without the gas assist, it's one less thing to go wrong and I know how to light charcoal without it.
I realize that you folks are mostly talking about the charcoal kettles (specifically the Performer), but I just got a new Genesis EP-330 after having had an E-310. This new grill is a significantly improved design and the build quality is at least as good as the older model. And it is simpler and easier to assemble.

I would have to say that the Weber Era is far from over. One perceived instance does not make a case for a bad slide.

Howdy, Rich!

I was at UNC a little before you, finished in '68 in the B-School. Not (yet) a grandfather but hope springs eternal. I do make sawdust and shavings, though.
The weber genesis and higher end grills are good quality, I would say the Spirit class of grills for the price is garbage. I would much rather buy a charbroil pro series for $500 than a spirit will all porcelin coated crap in it.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by R. Hutchins:
Howdy, Rich!

I was at UNC a little before you, finished in '68 in the B-School. Not (yet) a grandfather but hope springs eternal. I do make sawdust and shavings, though. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, hey there, Tar Heel. What part of Texas? I've spent a lot of time in Austin (in my IBM days) and two years ago passed through from El Paso to Austin and on through Carthage/Greenwood.

I didn't think my daughter would ever decide to have kids, but now my grandsons are 7 and 9.

Seems like we have many interests in common besides smoking. Stick around here at TVWBB. This is the premier smoking/Weber site as far as I'm concerned.

I have a 18.5 kettle that I bought a few years ago. When I got my Performer, I was concerned that the lid seemed too loose. When I used it the first time I shut all the vents to extinguish the charcoal and it did. So I would compare the quality of the Performer just as good as my older kettle.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by J Boldt:
I would say the Spirit class of grills for the price is garbage. I would much rather buy a charbroil pro series for $500 than a spirit will all porcelain coated crap in it. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I have to disagree based on experience. The porcelain steel on Weber products is top notch and I would argue that a new 3-burner Spirit grill would still be cooking nicely when those Charbroil's are long gone. My fathers three year old Spirit still cooks like it was brand new and my best friends 4 year old Charbroil cooks as bad as it ever has(hot spots, flare ups). I know the Spirit aint pretty but it is a solid, well made cooking machine.
You can tell by the grills I own I'm true Weber fan and will always be. I understand a global economy and Weber is competing globally. Long live their Chicago manufacturing facilities and their reputation of producing THE top of the line grills. With the backing of Chris and this website and its supporters they will be producing quality products for many generations to come. I can only hope my children and one day grandchildren will enjoy a cookout next to my Webers and raise a glass to Weber long after my time here is done. Cheers!
Hey Brian, until I can get a photo posted you can search "smokey joe lamp" or "weber toys I made" for a photo. I'm not catching on very fast with this iPad thing...
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by RichPB (richlife):
I realize that you folks are mostly talking about the charcoal kettles (specifically the Performer), but I just got a new Genesis EP-330 after having had an E-310. This new grill is a significantly improved design and the build quality is at least as good as the older model. And it is simpler and easier to assemble.
Hi Rich,
I'm curious if your new gasser has a side burner. I was looking at some high end Genesis at Ace Hdwe which had a side burner with a flush cover. I opened the cover for the side burner and was surprised to find knife sharp edges on the cover. IMO they really should have been rolled over but that would have cost more to manufacture. At the least the edges should have been smoothed to not present a hazard to the user. It seemed to me to be evidence of excessive cost control. I'm happy to hear that in other regards Weber has not sacrificed too much.

In other regards, I'm a little disappointed on the grates on the charcoal cookers. The plating is little more than cosmetic on those. I recently purchased an '85 26" Weber that had never been fired up. Before I even used it I had to remove rust from the cooking grate that had formed just from moisture in the air. The rust was in a regular pattern on the bars as if it had been a result of the manufacturing process. Clearly this is not a recent development. Grates on most Weber (all?) kettle grills are easily replaceable but they are no longer available for the older 26" kettle. (I clean and oil the grates for my charcoal grills following each use.)
My 330 does have the side burner. I agree those edges are a little unfinished, though I wouldn't say sharp. A little 180 grit sandpaper rubbed lightly will fix it. But your point was the final finish and, yes, it could be better.

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