The Technique of Injecting - How do you do it?


Rita Y

TVWBB Emerald Member
A problem that I have is that quite a bit of the injected liquid leaks out during the process, although not quite as much using the method below. What tips can you share about the technique that you use?
I took a class a few years ago where the chef suggested a couple of things:

1. Use the same hole to inject in several directions.

2. Pull the needle almost all the way out, except for maybe the last 1/4 to 1/2 inch, flip the handle part over the meat in the opposite direction from the one you injected, put a finger on the injection site and press as you remove the needle the rest of the way. Massage the point of entry a bit. This supposedly helps keep so much of the liquid from leaking out. Does this make any sense?

It would also be a good topic for for the cooking section, and Paul H’s idea of a video by Chris would be REALLY great! How about it, Chris? In your 'spare' time (is there such a thing)?

Rita, I saw a link and I think it was from this site where they showed a diagram on a turkey where and how many injections to make. Of course it might have been from one of the other BBQ forums
Thanks, Paul. I searched the cooking section and the forums but couldn't locate anything like that. A sketch came with one of my old injectors that showed a turkey and injecting into the breast, but that was it. Will try Googling for it. There must be something out there.

This help?
Turkey injection diagram.

There's a technique called "z-tracking," where you pull a superficial layer of tissue (skin) on an oblique angle and hold it, inject into the muscle, then release the tissue. Once released, the superficial tissue will occlude the injection site and prevent leakage. I've used the technique on patients, but I don't know if it would work on meat.

