The Nerve Of Some People!

It's not just customers that take advantage of return policies. Ages ago I worked in a grocery store that had a deli department with big commercial ovens in the back. We baked hams and what not for customers. Employees, with approval from management, would take one particular brand of frozen pizza from the case and pop it in the oven for their break or lunch. All they had to do was put the wrapper in the "damaged" bin and the distributor would give the store credit. They did this kind of thing for virtually all the products we used in running the store. Wrappers would go in the "damaged" bin for credit. Eventually Certified grocers, our supplier, refused to accept any more returns from us because this one "chain" of four stores had more returns than all the other stores combined in the state. Needless to say, this small chain of stores didn't last very long.

