The dual butts from hell


Mary M

So, I did two butts last weekend -- 15.5 pounds before trimming, no idea what after. I used the Minion method and was expecting the temperature stall, but...I dunno. They stalled forever, or seemed to, and the fire seemed to just not have the oomph it needed.

I think my thermometer may be a bit off, because when I finally gave up and took the butts off, they were certainly thoroughly cooked and plenty tender. Apart from that, though, should one lit cannister plus one unlit really have the power to do the whole job? If not, how much do you add and when? Temps ranged from 50F-low 60s.

Couple points. You have some very good visual indicators when a butt is done. A butt is finished when the bone is loose and ready to fall out and the meat is ready to break apart if picked up. I think those are even better indicators than thermometer readings which can vary.

Regarding the amount of fuel, with minion method and clay pot base it takes less than a full ring to do a couple of butts, but there is no reason not to just fill it up at the beginning and then shut it down when you are done or have some other items ready to throw on the waining fire like mushrooms, fresh hocks, turkey drumsticks, etc.
Hi Mary.

When you say 15.5 pounds for the 2 butts, I’m assuming that’s the total weight for both butts? I get mine from Sam’s Club and they almost always have IPB brand butts. These come 2 to a cryo and have a thin layer of fat on one side. I don’t trim these; just rub ‘em down and put ‘em on, fat side down.

When you say, “should one lit canister plus one unlit … “, that describes the standard method of lighting instead of the Minion Method. Check out the Firing Up the Weber Bullet in the Tips and Mods section ~ Chris has put together a really good set of descriptions of lighting methods and what they’re good for. I wouldn’t think the method you described would give you the cooking time you’d need for butts. Also, you can check out the Testing Thermometers For Accuracy in the Tips and Mods section for help on testing your thermometer. Good luck on your next cook.

I too would use a full ring, and 10-15 lit coals MM. Should have gotten you close, (12-14 hrs)

I would check that thermomter for accuracy, as well as maybe check in 2 or more parts of the butt....the internal temp readings will vary somewhat.
I am in the school of foiling butts once they reach 160, so if the charcoal starts to run out, I simply put the foiled butts in an oven until they reach 195

or so. Don't think the butts know the difference and it sure makes the last part very easy. Once you have foiled them, you aren't getting any smoke into them anyway.
About once a month I check my thermometers for accuracy. Pretty simple. I put two thermometers in a pot with icy water. They should register 32 degrees, or very close to it (I give it +/- 1 degree). I then turn the oven on and let the water come to a gentle boil. Now the temperature should be 212 degrees, (give or take a couple). If the thermometers aren't reading the same, then I have to bring a third one into the mix to find the outlier.

I know it seems like a lot of work, but I've creameted good meat when a thermometer went bad, and I was trusting too much on the digital display.

