Texas BBQ Rub #1 & #2

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Larry Wolfe

Closed Account
Okay, after seeing numerous raves about the Texas BBQ Rubs, I just ordered 2lbs each of #1 & #2. Thanks for the information/link Brian S. I need help as to which rub #1 or #2 goes on what best? And I am doing a brisket next weekend to take to a crab feast, which one is better for beef?

P.S. Did anyone watch the Redskins game last night? They dismantled Michael Vick!! I know I know it is just pre-season, but it is still exciting!! Gooooooo Skins!

#2 is the brisket rub, and it rocks!

I had tix to the Skins game I'd won in a silent auction last March, and had plans to tailgate with my brother. BUT....when I finally took a look at the tix, they were NOSEBLEED (seriously---section 403), and it looked like our parking lot would be far away, plus the Labor Day rush hour traffic was so bad, even at the early afternoon time we were planning to leave at, that we just bailed. Ended up on the deck with two smokey joes cooking brats in a beer/butter bath on one, and steaming clams and corn on the other. Big cooler full of beer. Cigars. And we dragged the tv outside to boot.

WHAT A GREAT GAME!!! Unbelievable first quarter! Gibbs really must have had a good talking to them after last week's debacle.
Sounds like you had a tailgate party at home! I really hope what we saw in the first quarter is what we can expect for next Sunday against Tampa Bay! And the rest of the season for that matter. They looked awesome! The cooler full of beer is making me drool! I have been doing the South Beach Diet for about a month and a half and have not touched a beer since. (lost 25lbs) I better get to my goal weight by next Sunday, because I cannot watch a "real" football game drinking diet pepsi. That is just wrong! I will let you know how the brisket turns out next weekend with the #2.
Wow, Larry, that's great! I did South Beach for 2 weeks and lost 14 days, lol. Works better on men tho, you lucky fellows.

We totally tailgated at home---it was definitely the way to go. Afterwards I dragged out my new dvd player and watched some original episodes of Spiderman from 1967, and the first season of Jonny Quest. It was GREAT!! Much better than sitting in traffic. What a blast.

On edit: every bit of the team looked so strong! (except poor Ramsey---I was hoping he'd have a chance to redeem himself, but it just didn't work out last night too well.) Is Joe Gibbs working his magic?? Hope there are more games like that one. Roar!
Hmmmmm.....Browns? Are they still in the NFL? lol Don't they play like they are in the pre-season all year long? lol Go Skins!
Larry, I used the #1 on butts and chuck rolls awsome stuff. #2 on brisket, also used the #2 on a chuck roll but liked the #1 better for chuckie.#2 is supposed to be really great on chicken too. Bryan
I hear ya Greg, having Spurrier was very embarrassing for Skin Fan's! Hopefully we will have a chance at redemption this year!!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> I need help as to which rub #1 or #2 goes on what best? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Larry, this is a response sent to me from Bill Cannon of Texas BBQ regarding the difference between #1 & #2. ......
The difference in the number 1 (original) and the number 2 (brisket blend) rubs is the number 2 has more spices and larger pieces of spices. You should be able to see that in the two side by side. The number 2 has less sugar also and is spicier when cooked on meats if the meat is smaller in size say a chicken. There are also some added spices to the number 2 rub that are not found in the number 1 rub. Yeah, if you used the number 2 on a turkey it could have been a bit too spicy. The number 2 rub was really designed for large meats like a brisket
and butts that are on the pit for hours of cooking. The number 1 rub would have been my choice for the turkey.
Larry has the ultimate avatar ~ Joe Gibbs!! I grew up in Skins Country! However, I now reside in Bills territory and am having a hard time choosing.....AFC / NFC. Can I have a fav of each???
The Skins and Bills don't meet this year so I guess I have a reprieve...My wife doesn't think so though

Oh, and Greg...If it's brown, flush it down

On topic, The brisket rub (rub #2) is awesome on anything you try it on
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Greg Rempe:
I think the title "4 time Super Bowl LOSER" has a nice ring to it!!
<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>My wife hates when I bring that up
Since I've only been here for 2 years, I think I might be be able to slide a bit, no?
I am a Die Hard Skins fan. I really hope Gibbs can right the ship. The last 12 years have been very sad for the DC area! Bill, you are killing me!! <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Oh, and Greg...If it's brown, flush it down
I got both a couple of weeks ago, but have so far only tried the #2 on 2 briskets.

Hardwood lump on a WSM w/some pecan smokewood.

It's among the best brisket I've ever eaten.

Thumbs up from all the eaters.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Earl Everett:
It's among the best brisket I've ever eaten.
Did you foil?? Could you give some of the details?
Thanks, Dave
Did you foil?? Could you give some of the details? Smiler Thanks, Dave[\QUOTE]

2 cooks, 1 wk. apart. Worcheshire sauce on both, followed by the rub. Both came off @ around 165 deg F (having plateaued there for at least an hour). Foiled both for 60 min, stashing the first in the microwave in lieu of the cooler (which caused my wife to "complain" all week about smelling it, and wanting more, which led to the 2nd the next weekend <g> ), cooler for the 2nd. Not sure what final temp was, but both were just tender enough to 'cut' the cut slices with a fork. (Wife likes her's just on the chewy side.)

2nd was not smoked quite as well (cook post-mortem showed about half of the pecan still intact, for some reason). Good, stable temps (250 at the dome), despite a fair amount of breeze.

I'm impressed with this rub. I'll do some ribs this weekend with the #1, another brisket next weekend for some Texas boys coming up, and following that, I'll try a brisket or ribs using CYM, and see how that comes out.

Let's just say 2 lbs. isn't going to last quite as long as I thought it might... <g>
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