Tenderizer warning for home grinders


Brad Olson

TVWBB Diamond Member
When I make hamburgers I grind my own beef. I cube the beef a day or so ahead of time, salt and season it, and leave it in the fridge to dry-brine before grinding.

Recently, I did this with a store-bought seasoning, or to be more specific, a seasoning and tenderizer. When I ground the beef it had a weird, mushy texture and the burgers were disappointing, and I blame the tenderizer - in this case, papain - for adversely affecting the protein structure of the meat and causing it to really break down during grinding.

Just something to keep in mind. Cue the "The More You Know" music.
Yeah - dry brining is usually great, I do it all the time, but it really doesn't work for ground beef. The salt causes the ground beef remnants to adhere to each other resulting in toughness. There are a number of articles on this.

See what Kenji says at the bottom of this article. See the last two paragraphs.

Here is a more in-depth discussion.

I like to cook my cheeseburger on a griddle unseasoned, flip it, wait, then sprinkle some salt just before adding cheese. This gives me a nice tender burger.

Good luck

