Temps Dropping with Stoker Running (20 Deg Outside)


Gary Lewis

New member
So I am using my stoker for the first time with the stoker log, 5 cfm fan. It is about 20 degrees outside and calm winds. 18" WSM, empty water bowl in smoker. Let the stoker run for 45 minutes-1 hour and the temp could just get over 205. I opened the bottom vents fully and temp started rising, about 225 now for 1/2 hour. However when stoker fan kicks on, it kills the temps and I drop back to 205 or so. I shut the vents and the stoker cannot get the temp up past 205 or so. I have the target temp set at 240.

I have the fan in the proper position according to the stokes videos I watches. mounting hole is on the bottom and fan on top.

Any thoughts or ideas, I got to be doing something wrong? Right now stoker has target temp way do so fan does not kick on and kill temps again.
Update, finally decided to take out the empty water bowl and close the bottom vents to let the stoker do it's thing. Temps are hovering around 240 now and the stoker is keeping t stable for the last 45 minutes.
Hi Gary - I'm a newbie at ATC, having just got a Guru Nano for Christmas and using overnight for my second cook with the Nano. I'm more accustomed to checking the temps on my WSM or Kamado Joe during the night whenever answering my 50 year old-man "nature calls."

It was about 25 degrees here last night and I seemed to be having the same issues you are having. Despite the Guru being set at 270 degrees, it was running around 245. An acceptable temperature, but I thought on a ceramic cooker, the temp should be closer to the target.

This morning, I went out and cracked the bottom vent about a quarter to a half inch, leaving the guru adaptor and fan in place. In about 15 minutes, the temperature went up to 270 and has held there. I'm using a 10 cfm fan.

I'm thinking that in the conditions I was cooking in, the coals just needed a little more airflow.

Maybe you could crack one of the other vents on the WSM just a bit to see if the additional air helped your stoker keep your cooker at the target temp?

Good luck!


