Temp probes through top vent?


Dex from NJ

Greetings, I have a noob question.

My 22.5 is not moded. I put the Mav temp probes through the top vent. How do you make sure the bbq probe is in the right place?

Sometimes my temp will say 325 (weber temp shows 225) and then if I wiggle it around or move it, the temp shows 279. I assume the latter is the correct temp.

If your Mav is working properly, I'd go with it. I dangle the smoker probe through a top vent hole, but my food probe goes under the lid
For years I ran my Maverick probes through the top vent without problems. I just recently put in the groments on my 22.5 WSM....Eh..cheap and easy, but I am so used to running the probes through the top I would be hesitent to tell others they need to drill holes in their WSM. :)

Ive found the dome thermometer runs about 30 degress cooler than what my grate temperature is. You shouldn't be seeing such big swings and differences in your temperatures. - Something isn't right. - The few times I had thermometer issues was the probe was touching the meat (which made the maverick temperature to read very low), and the other time was a I had the probe on the very outside of the grate and it was catching very hot air rising along the side wall which gave me a false high reading)

The first thing I would recomend is ensuring your probe is working correctly. I'd check it by puting the probe in the oven (run the wire between the door)and see what you get. (assuming you oven is calibrated correctly. You could always add in another thermomer in the over just to be sure). If that checks out, I would then suspect the dome thermometer is off.....
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I use a food probe thru the top vent as my temp indicator. I let the 90 degree bend support the probe so it's always in the same location. The Weber thermometer is in a dead air space and most always will read less than the vent probe. I know a lot of folks would rather read bbq temps at the grate but think where the oven thermostat sensing element is located. It's in the top of the oven, either on the left or right side.

